Electron microscopy
return() in Python
- Python Automation and Machine Learning for ICs -
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Python Automation and Machine Learning for ICs                                 http://www.globalsino.com/ICs/        




Relevant functions: break, return, limit, quit/exit.


Return multiple values: code:
         Return value to outside of the funtion
         Return value to outside of the funtion


Return value to outside of the funtion: code:
         Return value to outside of the funtion
         Return value to outside of the funtion


Access variable inside a function by using return statement, access variable inside a function locally, and access outside variable through a function: code:
          Access variable inside a function by using return statement, access variable inside a function locally, and access outside variable through a function
          Access variable inside a function by using return statement, access variable inside a function locally, and access outside variable through a function

Both below have a similar function:

Divide argument a by argument b, and return the result: code:
        Add 60 to argument a, and return the result


Divide argument a by argument b, and return the result: code:
        Add 60 to argument a, and return the result


The returned value is 0: code:
        Add 60 to argument a, and return the result
       The returned value is 0


The returned value is 0: code:
        Add 60 to argument a, and return the result
       The returned value is None


The returned value is from the defined function: code:
        Add 60 to argument a, and return the result
      Add 60 to argument a, and return the result


The returned value is from the defined function: code:
        Add 60 to argument a, and return the result
         n is 10.2
         m is 0.09411764705882353


Sum the numbers of a defined list: code:
         Sum the numbers of a defined list


Use decorators: code:
         Sum the numbers of a defined list
         Sum the numbers of a defined list


Comparison between iterative algorithm and recursive algorithm: code:          
          Recursive function to count up
          Recursive function to count up


Use of "return" to stop infinite cycling of opening the same images:
          Recursive function to count up


Access a single variable inside a function: Code:
         Automatically Review, Scroll, Click Webpage and Its Link
         Automatically Review, Scroll, Click Webpage and Its Link


Access a dictionary inside a function: Code:
         Automatically Review, Scroll, Click Webpage and Its Link
         Automatically Review, Scroll, Click Webpage and Its Link


Global Access to the returned local variable only: Code:
         Automatically Review, Scroll, Click Webpage and Its Link
         Automatically Review, Scroll, Click Webpage and Its Link


AAA. Send a variable or a updated variable back to a script in a child folder, and send a variable or a updated variable back to a script in its parent folder. Code in Parent folder:
         Replace headers in a csv file         
      Code in Child folder ("MyChildFolder"):         
         Replace headers in a csv file
   Output, obtained by executing the code in Parent folder, with the execution steps P1, P2, ... P16:         
         Replace headers in a csv file
   Output, obtained by executing the code in Child folder ("MyChildFolder"), with the execution steps C1, C2, ..., C19:            
         Replace headers in a csv file




