Electron microscopy
*args in Python
- Python Automation and Machine Learning for ICs -
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Python Automation and Machine Learning for ICs                                        http://www.globalsino.com/ICs/        




*args in Python allows you to pass multiple, varying arguments or keyword arguments to a function. args is just a name. You’re not required to use the name args. You can choose any name that you prefer. "*" is the unpacking operator.

Simple function: code:
         Sum the numbers of a defined list
         Sum the numbers of a defined list


Sum a list of numbers in any length: code:
         Sum a list of numbers in any length
         Sum a list of numbers in any length

Check if all the characters in the text are numeric or not: code:
          Check if all the characters in the text are numeric or not


Calculate the arbitrary number of variables: code:
         Sum the numbers of a defined list
         Sum the numbers of a defined list


Variable number of input arguments: code:
         Sum the numbers of a defined list
         Sum the numbers of a defined list


Sum the numbers of a defined list: code:
         Sum the numbers of a defined list


Sum the numbers of a varying list: code:
         Sum the numbers of a defined list

Use decorators: code:
         Sum the numbers of a defined list
         Sum the numbers of a defined list


Access a function variable from outside with a function decorator (but makes the code hard to maintain): Code:
         Automatically Review, Scroll, Click Webpage and Its Link
         Automatically Review, Scroll, Click Webpage and Its Link



