Electron microscopy
for ... in ... in Python
- Integrated Circuits -
- An Online Book -
Integrated Circuits                                                                                   http://www.globalsino.com/ICs/        




Sum the numbers of a defined list: code:
         Sum the numbers of a defined list


Print all iterms in a list in a seperate line: code:
         Sum the numbers of a defined list
         this is


Print all iterms in a list in a seperate line: code:
         Sum the numbers of a defined list
         Index 0: False
         Index 1: 3
         Index 2: 4
         Index 3: 13
         Index 4: True
         Index 5: False
         Index 6: this is
         Index 7: xyz


Dictionary: code:
         Sum the numbers of a defined list
         Apple 2.5
         Peach 2.0
         Grape 1.9
         Berry 1.3


Remove an item from a dictionary by key or value: code:
         Sum the numbers of a defined list
         Sum the numbers of a defined list


csv: code:
         Sum the numbers of a defined list


Search a row with defined functions: code:
        Search with defined functions 


reliefs: code:          
          Switch from SUNKEN to FLAT after lelft-click
          Switch from SUNKEN to FLAT after lelft-click


Find the best word similarity with Word2Vec Models/word embeddings: code:          
          Find the best similarity with Word2Vec Models/word embeddings
          Find the best similarity with Word2Vec Models/word embeddings
          Find the best similarity with Word2Vec Models/word embeddings
Input (csv file):                  
          Find the best similarity with Word2Vec Models/word embeddings
          Find the best similarity with Word2Vec Models/word embeddings
          Find the best similarity with Word2Vec Models/word embeddings


Monitor files in the current folder without watchdog: code:
          Call and then run your own functions and modules in different Python files
         Call and then run your own functions and modules in different Python files
