Electron microscopy
_ (underscore) in Python
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Single and double underscores have a meaning in Python variable and method names. Some are used only by convention and intended as a hint to the programmer, while some are enforced by the Python interpreter.


The single underscore (_) is bound to the last expression evaluated (e.g. "lambda" below): code:
        Add 60 to argument a, and return the result


Single leading underscore:


Variable names in Python must start with a letter or an underscore “_”. The single underscore prefix has a meaning by convention only when it is used to variable and method names: code:
        Add 60 to argument a, and return the result


"_" ignore a value and "*_" ignores multiple values: code:
        Add 60 to argument a, and return the result
        1 7
        1 7


Represents a variable in looping: code:
        Add 60 to argument a, and return the result




Separate digits of numbers or separate the binary, octal or hex parts of numbers: code:
        Add 60 to argument a, and return the result


You can add an underscore at the end of the name which you want to use if you want to use Python Keywords as a variable: code:
        Add 60 to argument a, and return the result


A double underscore prefix causes the Python interpreter to rewrite the attribute name in order to avoid naming conflicts in subclasses. This is also called name mangling. code:
        Add 60 to argument a, and return the result
Output ("_Example__z" was changed due to mangling):
        Add 60 to argument a, and return the result


Double pre and post underscores, which is so-called magic methods or dunder methods, e.g. __init__, etc.

