Electron microscopy
Replace Contents and Change Letter Cases in Text Files
- Integrated Circuits -
- An Online Book -
Integrated Circuits                                                                                   http://www.globalsino.com/ICs/        




Replace ":" by "-" in a text file: code:
        Search with defined functions

        Search with defined functions

        Search with defined functions    


Relace one word by another. code:
        Search with defined functions

        Search with defined functions

        Search with defined functions


Change lower cases to upper cases in a text file. code:
        Search with defined functions

        Search with defined functions

        Search with defined functions


Convert a text file to a string. code:
        Search with defined functions

        Search with defined functions

        Search with defined functions


Replace a line, in a text file, which contains a string, if found. code:
        Search with defined functions

        Search with defined functions

        Search with defined functions


