Electron microscopy
Data Structures
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Table 4745. Data structures.

Functions List Tuple Set Dictionary
Basics A list is basically like a dynamically sized array that gets declared in other languages (Arraylist in the case of Java, vector in the case of C++). The tuples are used to represent an ordered collection of elements and refer to the collections of various objects of Python separated by commas between them. The sets are an unordered collection of data types. These are mutable, iterable, and do not consist of any duplicate elements. In Python, the dictionary refers to a collection (unordered) of various data types. We use these for storing data values such as maps, and unlike other data types capable of holding only one value in the form of an element, a dictionary can hold the key: value pair.
Representation We can represent a List by [ ] We can represent a Tuple by ( ) We can represent a Set by { } We can represent a Dictionary by { }
List of element
L = [1, 2, "yes"] T = (1, 2, "yes") S = {1, 2, "yes"} D = {"Val1":1, ""name= "yes"}
L[1] T[2] X in S D["Val1"]
Add elements
L = L + ["Ok"]
L2 = "Apple"
T3 = T1 + T2
S.add("new item")
S.update({"K", "You"})
D["Val3"] = newValue
D["newkey"] = "newkey3"
D.update({"K", "You"})
Delete elements
del L[1]
del L
del T
del S
del D["Val1"]
del D
L2 = L.copy() T2 = T S2 = S.copy() D2 = D.copy()
Ordered Ordered Unordered Unordered
Changeable/mutable unchangeable addable/removable Changeable/mutable
Duplicates Duplicates No duplicates No duplicates
A list refers to a data structure of a non-homogenous type that functions to store various elements in columns, multiple rows, and single rows. A tuple also refers to a data structure of the non-homogenous type that functions to store various elements in columns, multiple rows, and single rows. A set also refers to a data structure of the non-homogenous type, but it stores various elements in a single row. A dictionary also refers to a data structure of the non-homogenous type that functions to store key-value pairs.
Duplicate elements
It allows various duplicate elements. It allows various duplicate elements. It does not allow any duplicate elements. The keys are not at all duplicated.
Function for Creation
Can create a list using the list() function. Can create a tuple using the tuple() function. Can create a set using the set() function. Can create a dictionary using the dict() function.
It is mutable. It means that a user can make any changes to a list. It is immutable. It means that a user can’t make any changes to a tuple. It is mutable. It means that a user can make any changes to a set. It is mutable, but the keys are not at all duplicated.
Empty Elements
If we want to create an empty list, we use: l=[] If we want to create an empty tuple, we use: t=() If we want to create an empty set, we use: a=set() , and b=set(a) If we want to create an empty dictionary, we use: d={}


Comparison between list, tuple, set, and dictionary: code:
        Comparison between list, tuple, set, and dictionary
        Comparison between list, tuple, set, and dictionary



