Electron microscopy
Selenium in Python
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Selenium is a framework that provides libraries for automation in most frequently used in Java- and Python-based environments. Webdriver is a part of Selenium libraries in which you can access browsers and content of websites. Selenium Python library is used for browser-based GUIs. [2]

Table 4682a. Application examples with Selenium in Python.

Automated their experiment by using software packages Selenium and Pyautogui to automatically click on ads on the top 500 websites listed by Alexa [1]


Web Automation using Python to fill out a form (see page4680): e.g. code:









[1] Anish Agarwal, Munther Dahleh, Devavrat Shah, Dylan Sleeper, Andrew Tsai, Madeline Wong, Zorro: A Model Agnostic System to Price Consumer Data, Computer Science: Social and Information Networks, arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.02420.
[2] Andrea Avancini and Mariano Ceccato. Towards security testing with taint analysis and genetic algorithms. In Proceedings of the 2010 ICSE Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems, SESS ’10, page 65–71, New York, NY, USA, 2010. Association for Computing Machinery.



