Electron microscopy
Table of Digital Micrograph (DM) Shortcut Hotkeys
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Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix


Table 4583. DM shortcut hotkeys.

DM Corresponding Python code
Shortcut Function
ctrl + F4 Close the most front window (the function does not cause response if no window is opened)  
Alt-Shift-Ctrl-W Close all windows, including the Results window, and do not ask the user if data needs to be saved.  
Shift-Ctrl-W Close all windows, but ask the user whether to save them, if needed.  
tab Switch tab (no response if there is no image)  
Alt-Ctrl-F4 Close DigitalMicrograph without asking the user to save any data.  
alt + F4  
Ctrl + S Save  
Ctrl + W Close  
Alt + F File menu  
Ctrl + C Copy  
Ctrl + V Paste  
Ctrl + H Live Histogram  
Alt + W Window menu  
Alt + A Analysis menu  
Alt + P Process menu  
Alt + D Display menu  
Ctrl + A Select All  
Shift + Delete Cut  
Alt + Backspace


Alt + E Edit  
Ctrl + K New script ...  
Ctrl + O Open ...  
Ctrl + N New ...  
Ctrl + Enter Execute Script  
Ctrl + Y Save Numbered  
Ctrl + G Save Display As ...  
Ctrl + B Batch Convert ...  
Ctrl + I Global Info ...  
Ctrl + P Print ...  
F1 Help page  
Alt-Ctrl-W Close the foremost window without asking the user if the related data needs to be saved.  
ctrl + F6 Switch between different windows  
ctrl + tab Switch between different windows  
alt + F Launch File menu  
Alt-Ctrl-V Paste image data in the paste buffer in a new image document window.  
Alt-Ctrl-X Cut the ROI from the image.  
Ctrl-X Cut the data in the ROI  
Ctrl+alt+X Cut the ROI itself, which can be then pasted into another document  
Alt-Ctrl-C Copy the ROI itself, which can be then pasted into another document  
Ctrl-C Copy the ROI from the image.  
Alt-Ctrl-H Show the options dialog for setting the number of channels in the Histogram and then display the histogram.  

Show the options dialog for setting the number of channels in the Histogram and then display the histogram for thresholding













