Electron microscopy
Work on Excel Sheets (Part I)
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Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix



Read Excel sheets: code:          
          Read Excel sheets
          Read Excel sheets
          Read Excel sheets
         Read Excel sheets


Create and Excel file and sheets: code:          
          Read Excel sheets
          Read Excel sheets
          Read Excel sheets


Read the value of an excel file and its active sheet: code:
          Read Excel sheets
          Read Excel sheets
Output (the output can be only the formula if there is a calculation with formula):          
          Read Excel sheets
Output (the output is real numbers if they are numbers):
          Read Excel sheets


Read the value of an excel file and its active sheet: code:
          Read Excel sheets
Input and output:          
         Are the same as the ones above.


Merge cells in an excel file and then unmerge the cells: code:
          Read Excel sheets
          Read Excel sheets
Output after merging the cells:          
          Read Excel sheets
Output after unmerging the cells (note: the previous data in the merged cells is lost):          
          Read Excel sheets


Insert rows in excel : code:
          Read Excel sheets
          Read Excel sheets
Output (note that there is an accumulation of insert rows if one is inserted many times):          
          Read Excel sheets


Delete rows in excel : code:
          Read Excel sheets
         Read Excel sheets
          Read Excel sheets


Insert columns in excel : code:
          Read Excel sheets
         Read Excel sheets
          Read Excel sheets


Delete columns in excel : code:
          Read Excel sheets
         Read Excel sheets
          Read Excel sheets


Shift/move columns and rows in an range in excel: code:
          Read Excel sheets
         Read Excel sheets
          Read Excel sheets


Write data into a new Excel sheet: code:
          Read Excel sheets
          Read Excel sheets











