Electron microscopy
Screen’s Resolutions
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Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix


Table 4484 lists screen’s resolutions. Pyautogui.size() returns the current screen’s resolutions on a computer. Depending on your screen’s resolution, the return value may be different.

Table 4484. Screen’s resolutions.         

Aspect ratio
Width (px)
Height (px)
Recommended based on LCD monitor size
16:9 640 360 0.230  
4:3 800 600 0.480  
4:3 1024 768 0.786  
16:9 1280 720 0.922  
16:10 1280 800 1.024 13- to 15-inch widescreen laptop screen
5:4 1280 1024 1.311 19-inch standard ratio LCD monitor
≈16:9 1360 768 1.044  
≈16:9 1366 768 1.049  
  1400 1050   13- to 15-inch standard ratio laptop screen
16:10 1440 900 1.296  
16:9 1536 864 1.327  
16:9 1600 900 1.440  
  1600 1200   20-inch standard ratio LCD monitor
16:10 1680 1050 1.764 20- and 22-inch widescreen LCD monitors/17-inch widescreen laptop screen
16:9 1920 1080 2.074  
16:10 1920 1200 2.304 24-inch widescreen LCD monitor
16:9 2048 1152 2.359  
4:3 2048 1536 3.145
≈21:9 2560 1080 2.765  
16:9 2560 1440 3.686  
≈21:9 3440 1440 4.954  
16:9 3840 2160 8.294  

Positions of features on Gatan DigitalMicrograph on PC screen

Figure 4484a. Screen position with the most common screen resolution.

Positions of features on Gatan DigitalMicrograph on PC screen

Figure 4484b. Positions of features on Gatan DigitalMicrograph on PC screen.








