Electron microscopy
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Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix



"switch_to" has 7 foci which can be switched to:
         i) alert ==>> See Example 1 below.
         ii) active_element
         iii) default_content
         iv) frame
             iv.a) The reason that it is named by frame(0), frame(1) and so on, is there can be many frames in a webpage.
             iv.b) Basically, three ways can be used to switch over the elements and handle frames in Selenium (these methods can also be used to find iframe/frame in a webpage):
                  iv.b.1) By Index See Example 4 below.
                  iv.b.2) By Name or ID. See Example 3 and 5 below.
                             Note that when few of the frames share the same ID or name, then the ID or name cannot be used to find a specific frame.
                 iv.b.3) By Web Element
         v) new_window
         vi) parent_frame
         vii) window ==>> See Example 2 below.

Table 4482. switch.to.

driver.switch_to().default_content() Introduction



Webpage code:
         <frame id='Gooool'>
                <button>Button in iframe</button>
        <button id='Dhg'>Button in main html (aka default content)</button>
Python code:
         # switch to the iframe to click the 'Button in iframe'
         driver.switch_to.frame('Gooool').contains('Button in iframe').click()

         # switch back to the main html to click the 'Dhg' button


Example 1: Switch_to function and alert popup window: code:
          Switch_to function and alert popup window
          Find the alert1 button:
          Switch_to function and alert popup window
          Switch_to function and alert popup window
         Alert popup window after "click()":
          Switch_to function and alert popup window
Printed output at the end of the process:          
          Switch_to function and alert popup window


Example 2: window_handles and switch_to: code:             
         Switch_to function and alert popup window         
      Steps to build the code:   
          Switch_to function and alert popup window         
       Get the following after clicking inspect: 
          Switch_to function and alert popup window
        Righ click the line above:  
          Switch_to function and alert popup window
       Once the line below is performed, then the second window will open:
              driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//*[@id='Tabbed']/a/button").click()
          Switch_to function and alert popup window
          After those lines below, then a window is closed as shown in the image below:
                   if driver.title == "Selenium":
                         driver.close() # Close the particular window
          Switch_to function and alert popup window
         Switch_to function and alert popup window


Example 3: switch_to.frame: code:             
         Switch_to function and alert popup window         
      The code from webpage is:    
         Switch_to function and alert popup window
Output (original in the webpage):         
         Switch_to function and alert popup window
Output (after the Python code ran):         
         Switch_to function and alert popup window


Example 4: Enter frame with frame index: code:             
         Switch_to function and alert popup window         
Frames on the webpage:
         Switch_to function and alert popup window


Example 5: Switch into frame layer by layer: Code:
         Switch_to function and alert popup window
         Go into frame(0):
         Switch into frame layer by layer
         Go into frame(2):
         Switch into frame layer by layer
        Go to the checkbox:
         Switch_to function and alert popup window:

         Switch_to function and alert popup window













