Electron microscopy
Wafer bin Map
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Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix


A wafer bin map (WBM), which is the result of an electrical die-sorting test, provides information on which bins failed and plays an important role in finding defective wafer patterns in semiconductor integrated circuits (IC) manufacturing. Wafer inspection based on WBM currently has two main problems:
         i) Good/bad WBM classification is performed by engineers.
         ii) Bin code coloring scheme does not reflect the relationship between bin codes.

A WBM is a database system that collects and visualizes data regarding physical parameters that are measured on IC wafers. Such maps contain measurement data and various metrology tools, such as ellipsometers, thickness gauges, and four point probes as well as information such as the location and size of defects. The wafer map analysis extracts and processes information about defects, such as particles, extra materials, and holes on wafers [1]. There are mainly two types of wafer inspection:
         i) Human inspection of defects in wafer map. (see page4261)
         ii) Automated defect scanning in wafer map. (see page4260)












[1] J. Y. Hwang and W. Kuo, “Model-based clustering for integrated circuits yield enhancement,” Eur. J. Oper. Res., vol. 178, no. 1, pp. 143–153, 2007.


