Electron microscopy
Comparison with Classical Wafer Map Inspection Algorithms
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Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix


Table 4233a compares the recognition rate of each defect pattern and average accuracy with classical wafer map inspection algorithms.

Table 4233a. Comparison with classical wafer map inspection algorithms based on WM-811K wafer dataset (accuracy: %).
Model None Edge-Ring Edge-Local Center Local Scratch Random Donut Near-Full Average Ref
WMFPR 95.7 79.7 85.1 84.9 68.5 82.4 79.8 74 97.9 83.1 [1]
DTE-WMFPR 100 86.8 83.5 95.8 83.5 86 95.8 92.3 N/A 90.5 [2]
WMDPI 97.9 97.9 81.8 92.5 83.9 81.4 95.8 91.5 93.3 90.7 [3]
T-DenseNet 85.5 66.8 81.5 64.5 100 72.6 65.5 91.2 99.3 80.8 [4]
DCNN 98.6 97.6 92 97.6 86.7 93.6 96.7 96.4 100 95.5 [5]
Pre-trained CNN   98.5 87 97 85.4 85.5 90 100 100 92.9 [6]
SMV 95.7 79.7 85.1 84.9 68.5 82.4 79.8 74.0 97.9 83.1 [9]
CNN 97.9 96.8 85.2 94.0 72.7 87.6 94.9 97.1 99.3 91.7 [9]
LR                   95.06 [17]
RF                   94.42 [17]
GBM                   95.35 [17]
ANN                   95.25 [17]
CNN                   89.80 [17]
LeNet                   96.94 [17]
MVE 97.95 97.56 78.75 89.79 85.65 79.41 96.15 87.37 96.55 95.74 [17]
SVE 97.93 97.94 81.80 92.54 83.91 81.36 95.78 91.49 93.33 95.87 [17]
ECNN 98.83 99.22 94.31 98.85 93.53 96.73 96.41 87.60 100.00 98.57 [17]
AlexNet                   97.75 [17]
GoogleNet                   97.35 [17]
Average 96.6 90.8 85.1 90.2 82.9 84.5 89.7 89.4 97.8    
Table 4233b. Comparison of balanced accuracy for WM-811K dataset between supervised learning methods and semi-supervised learning methods. [7]

Classification performance of some models

Table 4233c. Some research related to the WM-811K dataset.

Model Channel Resolution
DCNN RBG [26, 26, 3] 12730 705 99.29% [10]
PCACAE Grayscale [96, 96, 1] 13451 4483 97.27% [11]
GAN-CNN Grayscale [64, 64, 1] 8160 1000 98.30% [12]
CNN-ECOC-SVM Grayscale [256, 256, 1] 18000 2000 98.43% [13]
DMC1 RBG [64, 64, 3] 103770 51885 97.01% [14]
VGG-19 Grayscale [96, 96, 1] 11760 9471 84.81% [15]
ResNet-34 Grayscale [96, 96, 1] 11760 9471 81.91% [15]
ResNet-50 Grayscale [96, 96, 1] 11760 9471 87.84% [15]
MobileNetV2 Grayscale [96, 96, 1] 11760 9471 85.39% [15]
T-DenseNet Grayscale [224, 224, 1] 7112 2000 87.70% [16]

Figure 4233a shows classification performance of some models.

Classification performance of some models

Figure 4233a. Classification performance of some models. [6]

In Figure 4233b, these experiments took only 10% of the WM-811K data and added different levels of noise to observe the tendency of accuracy. It can be seen that the 10% data declining accuracy is quite similar to the declining accuracy calculated from 100% data. According to the results, the user can try to estimate how much the noise influences the accuracy by using a small amount of existing data if we do not know the distribution of unknown data.

The tendency of accuracy on different levels of noise. It shows that the two descending curves are very similar under different percentages of data.

Figure 4233b. The tendency of accuracy on different levels of noise. It shows that the two descending curves are very similar under different percentages of data. [8]













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