Electron microscopy
Train/Test versus Model Accuracy
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Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix


When comparing the statistics on the test set to the values for the training set in the context of model evaluation, the statistics on the test set reflect the accuracy of your model when applied to new and unseen data. Here's a recap of why this is the case:

  1. Training Set: The statistics computed on the training set are primarily used for model development and training. They measure how well your model fits the data it was trained on. In other words, they assess the model's ability to learn and capture the patterns and relationships within the training data.

  2. Test Set: The statistics for the test set evaluate the model's performance on data that it has never seen during the training process. This mimics the scenario in the real world when your model encounters new, unseen data. The performance on the test set provides a more accurate representation of how well your model is likely to perform when applied to fresh, unfamiliar data.

The primary goal of predictive modeling is to build a model that generalizes well to new, unseen data. Therefore, the evaluation on the test set is crucial for assessing the model's real-world performance. If the model performs well on the test set, it suggests that it has learned meaningful patterns and can make accurate predictions when faced with new and previously unseen data.

The statistics on the test set, not the training set, control the accuracy of your model when applied to new data. Here's why:

  1. Training Set: The statistics on the training set assess how well the model fits the data it was trained on. These statistics measure the model's ability to learn and capture patterns in the training data. The training set is used to train the model, and the model essentially "learns" from this data.

  2. Test Set: The statistics on the test set evaluate the model's performance on data that it has not seen during the training process. This is crucial because it simulates how well the model will perform when applied to new and previously unseen data. The test set provides an independent assessment of how well the model generalizes to new data.

The main goal of predictive modeling is to build a model that can make accurate predictions when exposed to new, real-world data. Therefore, the statistics on the test set are the ones that control the accuracy of your model when applied to new data. If the model performs well on the test set, it suggests that it has successfully generalized from the training data and can make reliable predictions when presented with fresh, unseen data.

The measured accuracy of a model can be misleading or inaccurate if the test dataset itself is flawed or not representative of the real-world data the model is expected to encounter. Here are some common scenarios in which the test dataset can impact the accuracy assessment:

  1. Biased Test Data: If the test dataset is not representative of the broader population or contains biases that do not exist in the real-world data, the model's accuracy on the test set may not reflect its performance in practical applications. For example, if the test set contains data from a specific time period or geographic region that is not representative, the model's performance may not generalize well.

  2. Incorrect Labels: If the test dataset has incorrect or mislabeled data points, the model's accuracy will be negatively affected. Mislabeling can lead the model to make incorrect predictions, even if it is performing well based on the provided labels.

  3. Insufficient Test Data: A small or unrepresentative test dataset may not provide a reliable estimate of the model's real-world performance. With too few data points, the model's performance metrics may have high variability and may not be indicative of its overall accuracy.

  4. Data Drift: Over time, the underlying data distribution in the real world may change, a phenomenon known as "data drift." If the test dataset does not account for these changes, the model's accuracy on the test set may not accurately represent its current performance.

  5. Sampling Errors: If the test dataset was created with sampling errors or is not random, it may not provide a fair evaluation of the model's generalization abilities.

To mitigate these issues, it's essential to carefully construct and curate the test dataset to make it as representative and reliable as possible. Additionally, techniques like cross-validation, where the dataset is split into multiple train-test subsets, can help provide a more robust assessment of model performance by reducing the impact of a single, potentially flawed test dataset.

It is possible for one machine learning model to perform better during training while another model performs better during testing (evaluation) on the same dataset. This phenomenon is often referred to as "overfitting."

Overfitting occurs when a model learns to fit the training data too closely, capturing noise and random fluctuations in the data rather than the underlying patterns. As a result, the model may perform exceptionally well on the training data but generalize poorly to unseen data, such as the test dataset or new, real-world data. This can lead to a situation where the training performance of one model is superior to another, but the test performance of the other model is better.

Here's a typical scenario:

  1. Model A: This model is complex and has a large number of parameters. It can fit the training data very closely, achieving a low training error.

  2. Model B: This model is simpler and has fewer parameters. It doesn't fit the training data as closely, resulting in a higher training error.

However, when you evaluate both models on a separate test dataset:

  • Model A, the overfitting model, may perform poorly because it is unable to generalize well to unseen data.
  • Model B, the simpler model, may perform better on the test dataset because it has learned more robust and generalizable patterns from the training data.

The goal in machine learning is to strike a balance between model complexity and generalization. You want a model that can capture the underlying patterns in the data without fitting noise too closely. Techniques like cross-validation, regularization, and early stopping can help mitigate overfitting and select models that perform well on both training and test datasets.

Figure 4001 shows the test accuracy depending on learning rates. When the learning rate is too small, the model may take a long time to converge, i.e., to reach a minimum in the loss function. On the other hand, if the learning rate is too large, the model might overshoot the minimum and fail to converge:

  1. Low Learning Rate:

    • With a very small learning rate, the model updates its parameters very slowly.
    • The training process might take a long time, and the model might get stuck in a suboptimal solution.
  2. Optimal Learning Rate:
    • There is an optimal range of learning rates where the model converges efficiently without taking too much time.
    • The accuracy on the test set increases as the model learns and generalizes well.
  3. High Learning Rate:
    • If the learning rate is too high, the model might oscillate or diverge.
    • The model may overshoot the minimum and fail to converge, leading to a decrease in accuracy on the test set.

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Figure 4001. Test accuracy depending on learning rates (Code).












