Electron microscopy
Non-asymptotic Analysis
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Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix


Non-asymptotic analysis is a mathematical and statistical approach that focuses on analyzing the behavior of algorithms, models, or systems for finite or specific input values, as opposed to asymptotic analysis, which studies their behavior as input values tend toward infinity. In non-asymptotic analysis, you aim to provide precise, often worst-case, bounds or estimates of performance, error rates, or other relevant quantities within a fixed range of input values. This approach is particularly important when dealing with practical and real-world applications where input values are limited and finite.

Here are some key points about non-asymptotic analysis:

  1. Finite Input Values: Non-asymptotic analysis considers the behavior of algorithms, models, or systems for concrete and finite input values, rather than focusing on how they behave in the limit as input values grow to infinity.

  2. Exactness: It aims to provide precise and often tight bounds or estimates for the behavior of the system. These bounds typically take into account all terms, including constants and lower-order terms, in mathematical expressions to accurately describe behavior within a specific input range.

  3. Practical Applications: Non-asymptotic analysis is particularly relevant in real-world applications where you want to know how well an algorithm or model performs for a given dataset or input size. It helps assess performance under practical conditions and provides information that is directly applicable to specific scenarios.

  4. Worst-Case Analysis: In many cases, non-asymptotic analysis involves worst-case analysis, where you determine the upper bounds on errors, runtime, or other performance metrics for the most unfavorable input values within a given range. This provides a conservative estimate of performance.

  5. Complexity: Non-asymptotic analysis can be more complex than asymptotic analysis because it considers all the details of algorithms or models, including constant factors and lower-order terms. As a result, it often provides more accurate and realistic insights but can also be more computationally intensive.

  6. Statistical and Probabilistic Approaches: In some contexts, especially in statistics and machine learning, non-asymptotic analysis may involve probabilistic or statistical bounds that take into account uncertainties in data or model parameters. This allows for a probabilistic assessment of performance.

In summary, non-asymptotic analysis is a valuable approach for understanding the behavior of algorithms, models, or systems in real-world situations with finite input values. It provides precise and practical insights that are crucial for making informed decisions in various fields, including computer science, engineering, statistics, and machine learning.

In non-asymptotic analysis, particularly in the context of theoretical computer science and machine learning, O(x) refers to a notation that quantifies the behavior of an algorithm, data structure, or computational process in terms of its resource usage or performance with respect to a specific input size x. This notation is used to describe the upper bound on the resource consumption or runtime of an algorithm as a function of the input size, without making any asymptotic assumptions like those made in big O notation (e.g., O(n), O(log n), O(1)).

Here's how O(x) is typically used in non-asymptotic analysis:

  1. Upper Bounds: O(x) represents an upper bound on the resource consumption or runtime of an algorithm for inputs of size x. It means that the algorithm's resource usage will not exceed this bound for any input of size x.

  2. Exact Behavior: Unlike big O notation, which provides an asymptotic upper bound (e.g., O(n) means the algorithm's resource usage grows no faster than linearly), O(x) provides an exact upper bound for the specific input size x.

  3. Non-Asymptotic: O(x) does not make any assumptions about the behavior of the algorithm for larger input sizes; it focuses on the performance for the given input size x.

  4. Useful for Practical Analysis: Non-asymptotic analysis with O(x) is particularly useful in situations where you need to analyze the precise performance of an algorithm or system for specific, practical input sizes, without relying on asymptotic approximations.

For example, if you have a sorting algorithm and you want to know its worst-case runtime for sorting exactly 100 elements, you might express this as O(100), indicating that the algorithm's worst-case runtime is bounded by some constant when sorting 100 elements.

When you write O(x), you're indicating the upper bound of a function (f(x)) in terms of its absolute value for all real values of x, and this upper bound is constrained by a constant factor (C) that may depend on x.

Here's a mathematical representation of the statement:

For every function f(x), we can write:

          O(x) = { g(x) : |f(x)| ≤ Cx, for all x ∈ ℝ } ------------------------------------------------- [3961a]

In this equation:          

  • O(x) represents the set of functions (g(x)) that are upper-bounded by the function f(x) multiplied by some constant Cx for all real values of x.

  • |f(x)| represents the absolute value of the function f(x).

  • Cx is a constant that may depend on the specific value of x.

  • C > 0.
  • ℝ represents the set of all real numbers, indicating that the statement holds for all real values of x.

Equation 3961 tells, when you write O(x), you're essentially saying that there exists a constant Cx such that the absolute value of the function f(x) is bounded by Cx times x for all real values of x. This notation is commonly used in non-asymptotic analysis to describe the behavior of functions with respect to their inputs.

          L(θ^) - L(θ) ≤ O(f(p, n)) ------------------------------------------------ [3961b]

Equation 3961b represents a relationship between the difference in likelihoods and a bound based on a function of parameters p and n.

          L^(θ) ≈ L(θ) in some sense ------------------------------------------- [3961c]

Equation 3961c in machine learning is referring to the relationship between an estimator's risk and its true risk, often in the context of non-asymptotic analysis:

  1. Estimator (L^(θ)): In machine learning, an estimator is a statistical method or algorithm used to estimate some underlying parameter or function. In this case, θ represents the parameter being estimated.

  2. True Risk (L(θ)): L(θ) represents the true or actual risk associated with the estimator's prediction. This risk measures how well the estimator performs in terms of its ability to approximate the true underlying parameter θ.

Case 1: Suppose |L^(θ) - L(θ*)| ≤ α, and L(θ^) - L^(θ^) ≤ α; then L(θ^) - L(θ*) ≤ 2α. That means you can bound the excess rates by 2 times α.

Explanation: In this context, we have two loss functions, L^(θ) and L(θ*), and two parameter values, θ and θ^, respectively. The statement sets up two conditions:

  1. |L^(θ) - L(θ*)| ≤ α: This condition implies that the absolute difference between the loss values L^(θ) and L(θ*) is bounded by α.

  2. L(θ^) - L^(θ^) ≤ α: This condition implies that the difference between the loss value L(θ^) and L^(θ^) is bounded by α.

The conclusion is as follows:

Proof: Let's start with the conditions:

  1. |L^(θ) - L(θ*)| ≤ α ------------------------------------------ [3961d]
  2. L(θ^) - L^(θ^) ≤ α ------------------------------------------ [3961e]

We want to prove that:

  1. L(θ^) - L(θ*) ≤ 2α ------------------------------------------ [3961f]

Now, let's add condition 1 and condition 2 together:

          (L^(θ) - L(θ*)) + (L(θ^) - L^(θ^)) ≤ α + α ------------------------------------------ [3961g]

Now, rearrange the terms:

          L(θ^) - L(θ*) + (L^(θ) - L^(θ^)) ≤ 2α ------------------------------------------ [3961h]

Now, notice that we have L^(θ) - L^(θ^) on the left side. This is a common term in both conditions 1 and 2. We can replace it with α using condition 2:

          L(θ^) - L(θ*) + α ≤ 2α ------------------------------------------ [3961i]

Now, subtract α from both sides:

          L(θ^) - L(θ*) ≤ 2α - α ------------------------------------------ [3961j]


          L(θ^) - L(θ*) ≤ α ------------------------------------------ [3961k]

So, we have proven that:

          L(θ^) - L(θ*) ≤ α ------------------------------------------ [3961l]

This shows that you can indeed bound the excess rates of the loss functions L^(θ) and L(θ*) by 2α, as stated in the original statement.

Therefore, the statement is proven by starting with the given conditions and manipulating them to show that the excess rate of L(θ^) - L(θ*) is strictly less than or equal to 2α when both conditions are satisfied, which is the desired result. This result is important in non-asymptotic analysis in machine learning as it provides a bound on how much two loss functions can differ given certain conditions on their differences from a reference value.

In nonasymptotic analysis, when you define σ^2 (sigma squared) as:

          σ^2 (sigma squared) ------------------------------------------ [3961m]

This equation represents the variance of a sample of n data points, where a_i and b_i are the ith elements of two datasets, and σ^2 represents the squared difference between these datasets normalized by n.

The standard deviation σ can be viewed as an upper bound on the typical or maximum deviation between the values of the random variables bi and ai in the sample.

Here's why:

  1. Variance Measures Spread: σ^2 is the variance, and it quantifies the average of the squared differences between the values b_i and a_i. It essentially measures how spread out or variable the values in your dataset are.

  2. Standard Deviation as an Upper Bound: The standard deviation σ, which is the square root of σ^2, provides a measure of the typical or average deviation of individual data points from the mean. In a sense, it characterizes how much individual values typically deviate from the mean.

  3. Chebyshev's Inequality: In probability and statistics, Chebyshev's inequality states that for any continuous random variable, the probability that a random value deviates more than k standard deviations from the mean is at most 1/k^2. In other words, it provides an upper bound on the probability of extreme deviations from the mean. So, if you know the standard deviation σ, you can use Chebyshev's inequality to bound the probability of extreme deviations from the mean.

In summary, σ can be viewed as an upper bound on the typical deviation between the values bi and ai in your sample. It provides a measure of how much individual values typically deviate from the mean, and this can be useful for understanding the variability and potential extreme values in your dataset, particularly when applying probabilistic bounds like Chebyshev's inequality.

You can use the properties of variance. The variance of a constant multiplied by a random variable is equal to the constant squared times the variance of the random variable. In this case, the constant is 1/.

          properties of variance ----------------------------- [3961n]

This equation tells us:

Sample Size (): The term 1/ in the equation indicates that as the sample size () increases, the variance of the sample mean decreases. In other words, larger sample sizes provide a more precise estimate of the population mean because the individual data points have less influence on the sample mean's variability.

Individual Variances ): The term represents the variance of each individual data point xi. The summation properties of variance calculates the total variance contributed by all the individual data points. If the individual data points have lower variance (i.e., they are less spread out from their mean), the overall variance of the sample mean will be smaller.

Independence and Identical Distribution (i.i.d.): The equation assumes that the values are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). In other words, each is a random variable from the same probability distribution with the same variance.

Population Variance: The equation gives insight into how the variance of the sample mean relates to the variance of the individual data points. It's a key formula in statistics because it connects the precision of sample estimates to the variability of the underlying population.

In practical terms, this formula is used to assess the precision of sample means in statistics. It tells you how much the sample mean is expected to vary from one sample to another, given the sample size and the individual data point variances. A smaller variance of the sample mean indicates that the sample mean is a more reliable estimate of the population mean.

Now, we have the equation below:

          properties of variance ----------------------------- [3961o]


  • represents the value you want to calculate.
  • is the square root constant.
  • is the variance (or square of the standard deviation).
  • represents the natural logarithm of .

Now, we use a constant related to , , and to define :

          properties of variance ----------------------------- [3961o]

This is a threshold which is a value that represents a significant deviation from the expected mean (μ).


is slightly larger than the standard deviation () scaled by the square root of the logarithm of .

The Hoeffding inequality is then applied with as a large constant:

          properties of variance ----------------------------- [3961p]

Here, represents probability, is the expected value, and is the value we defined in the previous equation.

In the most interesting regime, when is plugged in:

          properties of variance -------------- [3961q]

The left side represents the probability that the sample mean exceeds a certain threshold, which is given by . The range of this probability depends on the characteristics of your data and the specific values of , , and . The right side of the inequality is a constant term. This constant has a fixed value and is not affected by changes in your data. It's approximately equal to 0.13534 when c22 = 1. The range of the inequality is such that the probability on the left side is greater than or equal to the constant on the right side. In other words, it sets an upper bound on how likely it is for the sample mean to exceed the threshold determined by .

We have:

          properties of variance ------------- [3961r]

This shows how is defined and how it is used in the Hoeffding inequality, providing bounds on the probability of deviations from the mean. Keep in mind that this is an approximation and will converge better when −2c22 is large, implying a very low probability of an extreme deviation. Inequality 3961q describes a probabilistic relationship between the sample mean (), the true mean (), and a threshold (). It suggests that the probability of observing a sample mean less than or equal to � is greater than or equal to the constant 2e-2c^2/σ^2.

Probability Distribution: Imagine the probability distribution of your sample mean. It might be a bell-shaped curve (if the sample size is sufficiently large due to the Central Limit Theorem) or some other distribution depending on your data and assumptions.

True Mean (): This represents the expected value of your sample mean under ideal conditions, i.e., the mean of the distribution.

Threshold (): This is a threshold value that you set based on your analysis. It represents a specific level below which you want to make inferences.

Hoeffding Inequality Visualization. Code:
         properties of variance
         properties of variance

You can apply the Hoeffding inequality to the difference between the empirical (sample) loss and the true (population) loss, often represented as Hoeffding inequality, where is the true parameter of interest. The Hoeffding inequality provides an upper bound on the probability that this difference exceeds a certain threshold. In mathematical notation, it can be expressed as:

         properties of variance ------------- [3961s]


  • represents the empirical (sample) loss, typically calculated based on your observed data and a specific parameter value .
  • represents the true (population) loss, which is the expected loss under the true parameter .
  • is the threshold that specifies the maximum allowable difference between the empirical and true losses.
  • is the sample size.

If , where represents an estimated or sample parameter and * represents the true or population parameter, the difference between the estimated loss () and the true loss () will be zero. In mathematical terms, this can be expressed as:

         properties of variance ------------- [3961t]

In this case, the estimated parameter () is equal to the true parameter (), which means that your estimation is perfectly accurate. As a result, the difference between the empirical (sample) loss () and the true (population) loss () is zero because there is no discrepancy between the estimated and true parameter values.

In practical terms, this scenario represents an ideal case where your estimation method provides an exact match to the true parameter value, and there is no bias or error in your estimation. However, in many real-world situations, it is challenging to achieve such perfect accuracy, and estimators are subject to various sources of error and uncertainty. The Hoeffding inequality and related statistical techniques are often used to quantify and control the uncertainty associated with parameter estimation.

The estimator depends on the sample data. In statistics and parameter estimation, is a function of the observed sample values and is used to estimate an unknown parameter based on the available data. The estimator is computed from the sample data and represents your best guess or estimate of the true parameter . The specific form of depends on the estimation method used, which can vary depending on the statistical problem and the nature of the data.












