Electron microscopy
GLM (Generalized Linear Model)
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Python and Machine Learning for Integrated Circuits                                                           http://www.globalsino.com/ICs/        

Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix


GLM stands for Generalized Linear Model, and it is a class of statistical models used in machine learning and statistics for a wide range of tasks, including regression and classification. GLMs are an extension of the traditional linear regression model and are designed to handle a broader set of data distributions and relationships between variables.

Some key points about Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) are:

  1. Generalization of Linear Regression: GLMs extend the linear regression model, which is used for modeling the relationship between a dependent variable (or target) and one or more independent variables (or features). Linear regression assumes a normal distribution of errors and linearity between the features and the target. GLMs relax these assumptions.

  2. Probability Distribution: The choice of probability distribution for the response variable defines one of the key parameterizations of a GLM. Common distributions include:

    • Gaussian (normal) distribution for continuous data.
    • Bernoulli (binomial) distribution for binary data.
    • Poisson distribution for count data.
    • Gamma distribution for positive continuous data.
    • Inverse Gaussian distribution for positive continuous data.
    • And many more, depending on the nature of the data.
  3. Flexible Distribution Assumptions: Unlike linear regression, GLMs allow for a variety of probability distributions for the response variable (dependent variable). Common choices include Gaussian (normal), Poisson, binomial, and gamma distributions, among others. This flexibility makes GLMs suitable for a broader range of data types, including count data, binary data, and non-normally distributed data.
  4. Linear Predictor: The linear predictor is a linear combination of predictor variables. The specific form of the linear predictor depends on the choice of link function, and this is another parameterization aspect of the GLM.
  5. Link Function: GLMs introduce the concept of a link function, which connects the linear combination of the predictors to the expected value of the response variable. The choice of link function depends on the nature of the data and the specific problem being addressed. For example, the logit link is often used for binary classification, while the log link is common for count data.Common link functions include:
    • Identity link for Gaussian distribution.
    • Logit link for Bernoulli distribution (logistic regression).
    • Log link for Poisson distribution (Poisson regression).
    • Inverse link for Gamma or inverse Gaussian distributions.
    • And other link functions specific to certain distributions.
  6. Non-Constant Variance: GLMs can model data with non-constant variance. In linear regression, it is assumed that the variance of the errors is constant across all levels of the independent variables. GLMs relax this assumption, allowing for heteroscedasticity.
  7. Regularization: GLMs can be extended to include regularization techniques such as L1 (Lasso) and L2 (Ridge) regularization, which help prevent overfitting and improve model generalization.
  8. Applications: GLMs are widely used in various applications, including logistic regression for binary classification, Poisson regression for count data, and gamma regression for continuous positive data, among others.
  9. Interpretability: GLMs often provide interpretable coefficients, making it easier to understand the impact of individual features on the response variable.

Figure 3862 and Equation 3862a shows the linear learning model interaction with input and distribution. During learning process, a model learns parameters like θ through the learning process but the ditribution is not learnt. These parameters capture the relationships between input features and the target variable. the distribution of the data, which represents the underlying statistical properties of the dataset, is typically not learned explicitly in many machine learning models. Instead, the model makes certain assumptions about the distribution (e.g., assuming a normal distribution) but doesn't directly estimate the entire distribution. This separation of learning parameters and modeling the data distribution is a common practice in various machine learning algorithms.

Newton's method is the most commonly used method in the GLMs because of its efficiency and effectiveness in optimizing the parameters of GLMs. Newton's method can be used for optimizing the model parameters (θ) to fit the data. In many machine learning algorithms, the goal is to find the best model parameters that minimize a loss function. Newton's method is one of the optimization techniques that can be used to iteratively update model parameters until a minimum of the loss function is reached.


Figure 3862. Linear learning model. Newton's method can be used in the modeling process.

          Hypothesis ---------------------- [3862a]

For GLM, the learning update rule typically involves using an optimization algorithm to find the model parameters that maximize the likelihood of the observed data. The specific update rule can vary depending on the choice of the algorithm and the type of GLM being used. Some commonly used optimization algorithms for GLMs include gradient descent, Newton's method, and Fisher scoring. In the learning process, you can straight apply the rule in Equation 3862b without additional calculations.

          Hypothesis ---------------------- [3862b]

Table 3862. Applications of GLM.

Application Example
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