Electron microscopy
Conferences on Machine Learning
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Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix


These conferences in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence are where researchers, scientists, and practitioners come together to present their work, exchange ideas, and discuss the latest developments. There are several prominent conferences:

  1. NeurIPS or NIPS (Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems): NeurIPS is one of the most prestigious conferences in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence. It covers a wide range of topics related to neural networks and their applications. There was a name change for the conference. In 2018, the acronym "NIPS" was associated with the term "NeurIPS" to avoid any potential offensive connotations related to the original acronym.

  2. ICML (International Conference on Machine Learning): ICML is another top-tier machine learning conference where researchers present their latest research findings. It focuses on machine learning theory, algorithms, and applications.

  3. CVPR (Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition): While primarily focused on computer vision, CVPR also covers a lot of machine learning techniques applied to image and video analysis.

  4. ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics) Conference: This conference focuses on natural language processing (NLP) and computational linguistics. It's a key event for researchers working in language-related AI.

  5. AAAI (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence) Conference: AAAI is a major AI conference that covers a broad spectrum of artificial intelligence topics, including machine learning.

  6. IJCAI (International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence): IJCAI is another significant AI conference, featuring both machine learning and AI research in general.

  7. KDD (Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining): KDD focuses on data mining and knowledge discovery. It's an essential conference for researchers and practitioners interested in large-scale data analysis and machine learning.

  8. UAI (Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence): UAI is dedicated to research related to probabilistic and uncertainty modeling, which is an important aspect of machine learning.

  9. AISTATS (International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics): AISTATS is a conference that focuses on the intersection of machine learning and statistics. It's particularly relevant for researchers working on statistical machine learning methods.

  10. ICLR (International Conference on Learning Representations): ICLR has gained popularity in recent years and focuses on the representation learning aspects of machine learning.

  11. COLT (Conference on Learning Theory): COLT is primarily concerned with theoretical aspects of machine learning, such as the analysis of algorithms and their theoretical foundations.












