Electron microscopy
Representer Theorem and its Derivation
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Python and Machine Learning for Integrated Circuits                                                           http://www.globalsino.com/ICs/        

Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix


The Representer Theorem is an important in the field of machine learning, particularly in kernel methods, which are widely used in support vector machines (SVMs) and other supervised learning algorithms. The Representer Theorem, in its basic form, states that for a broad class of empirical risk minimization problems in high-dimensional feature spaces, the solution can be expressed as a linear combination of the training data points (also known as the "representers") weighted by coefficients, where the coefficients determine the contribution of each training data point to the solution. This representation simplifies the computation of the solution and is valuable in reducing the complexity of optimization problems.

Assuming you have an empirical risk minimization problem given by:

         minimize over f in H: R(f) = Σ L(f(xi), yi) + Ω(f), -------------------------- [3811a]


  • is the function we want to learn.
  • is a Hilbert space of functions.
  • is a loss function that measures the error of the model's prediction compared to the true target yi.
  • is a regularization parameter.
  • is a regularization term that encourages a particular kind of solution.

the Representer Theorem is typically applied when the Hilbert space is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS), and the regularization term has a particular form:

         minimize over f in H: R(f) = Σ L(f(xi), yi) + Ω(f), -------------------------- [3811b]

To derive the Representer Theorem, we first define the optimization problem in terms of the inner product in the RKHS:

         minimize over f in H: R(f) = Σ L(f(xi), yi) + Ω(f), -------------------------- [3811c]

we introduce a decomposition of the function in the RKHS with respect to the data points:

         minimize over f in H: R(f) = Σ L(f(xi), yi) + Ω(f), -------------------------- [3811d]


  • is the kernel function, which is a function that computes the inner product in the RKHS.

ubstituting this decomposition into our optimization problem, we get:

         minimize over f in H: R(f) = Σ L(f(xi), yi) + Ω(f), ----------- [3811e]

Now, the Representer Theorem states that the solution to this problem has a specific form. It tells us that the optimal � can be expressed as a linear combination of the kernel functions :

         minimize over f in H: R(f) = Σ L(f(xi), yi) + Ω(f), ----------------------------------- [3811f]

The Representer Theorem provides a powerful insight into the structure of solutions in the context of kernel methods. It reduces the optimization problem from a potentially high-dimensional problem to a problem of finding coefficients for the kernel functions. This makes it computationally efficient and facilitates the use of kernel methods for various machine learning tasks.

The Representer Theorem states that under certain conditions:

  1. The solution f* that minimizes the empirical risk can be represented as: f*(x) = Σ αi k(x, xi),


    • α_i are the coefficients that determine the contribution of each training data point.
    • k(x, xi) is a kernel function that measures the similarity between data point x and xi.
  2. The coefficients α_i can be found by solving a simpler optimization problem, often in a lower-dimensional space compared to the original feature space. This is advantageous because it reduces the computational burden.

The Representer Theorem is a key idea when working with high-dimensional feature spaces, such as 100,000-dimensional or even infinite-dimensional spaces. The Representer Theorem provides a mechanism for simplifying the representation and computation of solutions in these high-dimensional spaces, making it a valuable tool in machine learning for the following reasons:

  1. Dimension Reduction: In high-dimensional spaces, traditional optimization methods may suffer from the curse of dimensionality, which can make them computationally infeasible or inefficient. The Representer Theorem allows you to express the solution as a linear combination of training data points, which typically reside in a lower-dimensional space than the original feature space. This effectively reduces the dimensionality of the optimization problem, making it more tractable.

  2. Computational Efficiency: Expressing the solution in terms of training data points and their associated coefficients simplifies the computational effort required to find the optimal solution. This can lead to significant computational savings when working with high-dimensional data.

  3. Kernel Methods: The Representer Theorem is closely associated with kernel methods, such as support vector machines (SVMs). Kernel methods are specifically designed to operate in high-dimensional spaces by implicitly mapping data into a potentially infinite-dimensional feature space. The Representer Theorem provides a concise way to represent solutions in these high-dimensional spaces using kernel functions, which can be especially beneficial when dealing with a large number of features.

  4. Generalization and Interpretability: In high-dimensional spaces, overfitting can be a concern. The Representer Theorem, when combined with appropriate regularization techniques, can help in controlling model complexity and improving generalization performance. The linear combination of training data points provides a more interpretable representation of the model, as you can see which training points are contributing the most to the solution.

  5. Theoretical Analysis: The Representer Theorem has been instrumental in the theoretical analysis of machine learning algorithms. It provides a foundation for understanding the behavior and properties of various algorithms in high-dimensional spaces, aiding in the development of new algorithms and their analysis.












