Electron microscopy
Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV)
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Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix


Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV) is a resampling technique commonly used in machine learning and statistics to assess the performance of a predictive model and estimate its generalization error. LOOCV is so named because of its methodology. In LOOCV, for each iteration of the cross-validation process, one data point is "left out" or "held out" as the validation/test set, while the rest of the data points are used to train the model. LOOCV is particularly useful when you have a limited amount of data.

Here's how LOOCV works with an example where the sample size of 20:

  1. For each data point in your dataset, one individual data point is set aside as the validation/test set, and the remaining data points are used to train the model.

  2. In the mentioned example, you start with a dataset containing 20 data points. These data points can represent any type of observations or samples, such as measurements, records, or instances.

  3. The model is trained using the n-1 data points, where n is the total number of data points in your dataset, and then the model is then used to make a prediction on the data point that was left out.

  4.         Iteration 1:

    • In the first iteration, you "leave out" the first data point and use the remaining 19 data points to train your model.
    • You then use the model to make a prediction for the left-out data point.
    • You record the prediction and an evaluation metric (e.g., mean squared error, accuracy, etc.) for this first iteration.
          Iteration 2:
    • In the second iteration, you "leave out" the second data point and use the same 18 data points (excluding the second data point from the previous iteration) to train your model.
    • You predict the second left-out data point and calculate the performance metric for this iteration.
  5. The process is repeated for all n data points, each time leaving out a different data point.
  6. You continue this process for all 20 data points. In each iteration, you leave out a different data point and use the remaining 19 for training and testing.

  7. Recording Results:

  8. After all iterations are complete, you will have n models and n predictions, one for each data point.

    In the example, after completing all 20 iterations, you will have 20 sets of predictions and 20 evaluation metrics, one for each data point that was left out.

  9. Performance Assessment:

  10. You can then calculate the overall performance of the model by aggregating the individual predictions and evaluating its performance using a suitable evaluation metric (e.g., mean squared error, accuracy, or any other relevant metric).

    In the example, to assess the overall performance of your model, you can aggregate the 20 evaluation metrics (e.g., calculate the mean or median) to get an estimate of how well your model generalizes to new, unseen data.

  11. Model Comparison (if applicable):

  12. If you're comparing different models or hyperparameters, you can perform LOOCV for each of them and then compare their aggregated evaluation metrics to select the best-performing model or configuration.

LOOCV is helpful for assessing the model's bias and variance and can be used to compare different models or hyperparameter settings. It's a useful tool for model selection and validation when you have a limited amount of data, as it maximizes the use of the available data for training and testing. In the example above, you can measure the variance of the 20 estimations obtained from the LOOCV process. Calculating the variance of these estimations provides insights into the stability or variability of your model's performance when evaluated on different subsets of your dataset.

The steps to measure the variance of the 20 estimations are:

  1. Compute Estimations: As you perform LOOCV, you record the performance estimations (e.g., mean squared error, accuracy, etc.) for each of the 20 iterations. You should have 20 numbers, each representing the model's performance when a different data point was left out.

  2. Calculate Variance:

    To calculate the variance, you can use the following formula:

    Variance = (1 / (N - 1)) * Σ(xi - μ)2 ---------------------------- [3789]

    • N is the number of data points (in this case, 20).
    • xi represents each of the 20 performance estimations.
    • μ is the mean of the 20 estimations.

    Here's how you can compute the variance:

    a. Calculate the mean (average) of the 20 estimations: μ.

    b. Subtract the mean from each of the 20 estimations to calculate the squared differences (xi - μ)2 for each estimation.

    c. Sum up all the squared differences.

    d. Divide the sum of squared differences by (N - 1) to calculate the variance.

The variance measures how much the individual estimations differ from the mean estimation. A higher variance indicates greater variability in the model's performance across the different data points. A lower variance suggests that the model's performance is more consistent when evaluated on different subsets of the data.

Measuring variance can be helpful in assessing the robustness of your model and identifying whether it is sensitive to specific data points. If the variance is too high, it may suggest that the model's performance is unstable, and further investigation may be needed to understand the sources of variability and potential improvements.

Note that the variance of the 20 estimations obtained from Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV) is not directly correlated with each other. Each estimation represents the model's performance when a different data point is left out, and the variance is calculated individually for each estimation.

Advantages of LOOCV are:

  1. It provides a rigorous estimate of how well your model is likely to perform on new, unseen data because it trains and tests the model on almost all data points in the dataset.

  2. Low Bias: LOOCV provides an unbiased estimate of a model's performance because it uses almost all available data for both training and testing. It minimizes bias in the assessment of the model's generalization ability.

  3. Reliable Performance Estimate: With LOOCV, you get a robust estimate of how well your model is likely to perform on new, unseen data. This is particularly useful when you have a limited dataset.

  4. Effective for Small Datasets: LOOCV is effective even with small datasets, where other resampling techniques like k-fold cross-validation may lead to unstable or noisy estimates.

  5. Thorough Testing: It rigorously tests the model's performance on each individual data point, helping to identify how well the model generalizes for different data instances.

  6. Useful for Model Comparison: LOOCV can be used to compare multiple models or different hyperparameter settings because it provides a consistent measure of their performance.

Disadvantages of LOOCV are:

  1. It can be computationally expensive and time-consuming, especially when dealing with large datasets, as it requires fitting the model n times.

  2. High Computational Cost: LOOCV can be computationally expensive, as it requires fitting the model N times, where N is the number of data points. This makes it impractical for very large datasets or complex models.

  3. Variance in Performance Metrics: Since LOOCV assesses the model on each data point individually, it can lead to a variance in the evaluation metric. This variance can make it challenging to draw clear conclusions about the model's performance.

  4. Potential Overfitting: LOOCV may result in overly optimistic performance estimates, especially when the dataset is small. This is because the model is tested on almost identical training and validation sets in each iteration, which can lead to overfitting.

  5. Lack of Randomness: LOOCV lacks the randomness introduced by the data splitting process in k-fold cross-validation, which can be an advantage in certain cases but also a disadvantage if you want to assess how your model generalizes to different subsets of the data.

  6. Data Dependency: The results of LOOCV are highly dependent on the order of the data points, which can introduce some bias. Shuffling the data before applying LOOCV can help mitigate this issue.

Some Python libraries and tools commonly used for LOOCV are listed in Table 3789.

Table 3789. Python libraries and tools commonly used for LOOCV.

Code Advantages Disadvantages

from sklearn.model_selection import LeaveOneOut

loo = LeaveOneOut()
for train_index, test_index in loo.split(X):
# Your training and testing code here

Scikit-Learn is a widely-used machine learning library with excellent documentation and community support.
It provides a simple interface for LOOCV using the LeaveOneOut class.
You can easily integrate it with other Scikit-Learn tools for modeling and evaluation.
LOOCV can be computationally expensive when applied to large datasets, and Scikit-Learn's LOOCV may not scale well in such cases.

from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold

skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=len(X))
for train_index, test_index in skf.split(X, y):
# Your training and testing code here

Provides stratified LOOCV to ensure class distribution in each fold. Similar to Scikit-Learn's LOOCV, it can be computationally intensive for large datasets.

from crossvaltool.cross_validation import leave_one_out

for train_index, test_index in leave_one_out(len(X)):
# Your training and testing code here

Cross-Val-Tool offers various cross-validation methods, including LOOCV.
It can be a useful choice if you need additional flexibility and options for cross-validation.
It may not be as well-known or extensively documented as Scikit-Learn.

import openml

dataset = openml.datasets.get_dataset(dataset_id)
splits = dataset.get_splits()
for train_index, test_index in splits['loo']['fold_1']:
# Your training and testing code here

OpenML provides preprocessed datasets with predefined LOOCV splits for evaluation.
It's suitable when you want to focus on the experimentation and evaluation aspect of machine learning.
You may have less control over the data preprocessing and model training steps if you rely on OpenML's preprocessed datasets.
for i in range(len(X)):
train_set = X[:i] + X[i+1:]
test_point = X[i]
# Your training and testing code here
Offers complete control over the LOOCV process, which can be beneficial for highly customized tasks.
Useful when dealing with unique data requirements or specific experimental setups.
Requires manual coding and can be error-prone.
May be less efficient than library-provided methods for routine tasks.












