Electron microscopy
Misclassification Loss in Decision Trees
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Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix


In decision trees, misclassification loss refers to the method used to determine the impurity or the quality of a split in the tree. The misclassification loss is often associated with metrics like Gini impurity or classification error. While these metrics are widely used and effective in many cases, they do have some limitations and issues. Here are some issues associated with misclassification loss in decision trees:

  1. Insensitive to Probability Estimates: Misclassification loss is not very sensitive to the actual probabilities of class membership. It only considers the majority class in a node and doesn't take into account the confidence or probability of the predicted classes. This can be a limitation when dealing with problems where class probabilities are important.

  2. Biased Towards Majority Class: The misclassification loss tends to be biased towards the majority class, especially when the dataset is imbalanced. In imbalanced datasets, where one class significantly outnumbers the other, a decision tree may become skewed toward predicting the majority class, leading to poor performance on the minority class.

  3. Not Ideal for Multiclass Problems: Misclassification loss is commonly used for binary classification problems but is less suitable for multiclass problems. For multiclass scenarios, alternative impurity measures like Gini impurity or cross-entropy are often preferred.

  4. Binary Splitting Limitation: Decision trees using misclassification loss typically perform binary splits at each node. This binary splitting approach might not capture more complex decision boundaries effectively, especially in scenarios where non-axis-aligned decision boundaries are required.

  5. Prone to Overfitting: Decision trees, in general, are prone to overfitting, and the choice of impurity measure can influence the degree of overfitting. Misclassification loss, being a simple measure, may contribute to overfitting, particularly when the tree is allowed to grow deep.

  6. Insensitive to Class Probabilities: Misclassification loss treats all misclassifications equally, regardless of how confident the model is in its predictions. In contrast, other loss functions like cross-entropy take into account the confidence of the predicted probabilities, making them more sensitive to the quality of predictions.

In the scenario of splitting a dataset into two subsets (R1 and R2) based on a certain feature, assuming a dataset (Rp = 700 positive, Rn = 100 negative), which means there are 700 positive cases and 100 negative cases in the dataset, then we consider two possible splits:

  1. positive, and negative.
  2. positive and negative, and positive.

Then, the total misclassification loss in the first case is the same as in the second case: :

  1. = 100
  2. = 100

Then, for both cases, L(Rp​) = 100

Assuming there are two children regions R1 and R2, Figure 3758a shows the plot of misclassification loss.

Cross Entropy

Figure 3758a. Plot of misclassification loss. (Code)












