Electron microscopy
Loss (Risk, Cost, Objective) Function
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Python Automation and Machine Learning for ICs                                                           http://www.globalsino.com/ICs/        

Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix


In machine learning, a loss function, also known as a cost function or objective function, is a crucial component used to measure the discrepancy between the predicted values produced by a machine learning model and the actual target values (ground truth) in a dataset as shown in Figure 3723a. The goal of a machine learning model is to minimize this loss function. It serves as a way to quantify how well or poorly the model is performing, and the optimization process aims to find the model's parameters that minimize this loss.

A loss function measures the quality of the network’s output

Figure 3723a. A loss function measures the quality of the network’s output. [2]

The terms Loss Function and Cost Function are often used interchangeably. However, there is a common convention that is generally followed in the machine learning community:
        i) Loss Function, often used for a single example, refers to the function that calculates the error for a single training example. It measures how well the model's prediction matches the actual target value for a single instance.
        ii) Cost Function, often used for multiple examples, refers to the average loss over the entire training dataset. It's the cumulative error over all training examples. In other words, it's the mean of the loss functions for individual examples. The cost function is given by,
              Cost Function------------------------------- [3723a]


           1/m is the normalization term (where is the number of training examples). It scales the sum of the individual losses by the number of training examples (), providing an average loss.

           represents the predicted values.

           represents the true (target) values

          L(i) is the loss function of one parameter (see page3876), given by.
              Cost Function------------------------------- [3723ab]                     

         The term on the right-side of Equation 3723a represents the sum of the individual loss terms for each training example. The individual loss term L(i) typically measures the difference between the predicted value and the true value for a single example.

In neural network with batch forward propagation, Equation 3723a shows the average of the loss function over the batch gives us the cost function.

The choice of a specific loss function depends on the type of machine learning task, such as classification, regression, or other specialized tasks. Table 3723a lists a few common loss functions for different tasks.

Table 3723a. Common loss functions for different tasks.

Loss function Details
Mean Squared Error (MSE) Used in regression problems, MSE measures the average squared difference between the predicted values and the actual target values. The goal is to minimize this value.
Cross-Entropy Loss (Log Loss) Commonly used in binary and multiclass classification problems, cross-entropy loss quantifies the dissimilarity between predicted class probabilities and true class probabilities.
Hinge Loss Used in support vector machines (SVMs) and other binary classification algorithms, hinge loss encourages the correct classification of data points and penalizes misclassifications.
Huber Loss A robust loss function used in regression tasks that is less sensitive to outliers than MSE. It combines the best properties of mean absolute error (MAE) and MSE.
Categorical Cross-Entropy Employed in multiclass classification problems, this loss function measures the dissimilarity between predicted class probabilities and one-hot encoded target labels.
Poisson Loss Applicable in tasks where the output follows a Poisson distribution, such as count data modeling, this loss function measures the difference between predicted and actual counts.
Custom Loss Functions In some cases, custom loss functions are designed to address specific challenges or incorporate domain knowledge.

The choice of the appropriate loss function is a critical aspect of designing and training machine learning models. It impacts the model's ability to generalize to new, unseen data and can significantly influence the training process and the model's final performance. Selecting the right loss function is often based on the nature of the problem, the type of data, and the goals of the machine learning task.

The L2 regularization adds a sum of the squared parameter weights term to the loss function.

In fact, a common problem in the field of machine learning and optimization is "How can we implement an algorithm to find the value of θ that minimizes J(θ)":

  1. θ: θ represents a vector of parameters or weights that are used in a mathematical model. These parameters are adjusted during the training process to make the model perform better on a given task, such as making predictions or classifying data.

  2. J(θ): This represents a cost or loss function. The cost function quantifies how well the model's predictions match the actual target values. The goal of training a machine learning model is to minimize this cost function. J(θ) is a mathematical expression that computes the cost based on the current values of the parameters θ.

  3. Minimize: The objective is to find the values of the parameter vector θ that result in the lowest possible value of the cost function J(θ). Minimizing the cost function is typically achieved through an optimization process.

  4. Algorithm: An algorithm refers to a step-by-step procedure or set of rules for solving a specific problem. In this case, the problem is finding the optimal values of θ to minimize J(θ).

In machine learning, this is often associated with the training of a model using techniques like gradient descent or other optimization algorithms. The goal is to iteratively adjust the values of θ to reduce the cost function until it reaches a minimum, which corresponds to the best possible fit of the model to the data.

The "loss" in a loss function can be non-negative. In fact, it is very common for loss functions to be non-negative by design. The loss function quantifies the error or discrepancy between the predicted values generated by a machine learning model and the true or actual values (ground truth). In most cases, the loss function is designed such that it measures the error in a way that is always non-negative.

Here are a few reasons why loss functions are typically non-negative:

  1. Mathematical Consistency: Non-negative loss functions are mathematically convenient and well-behaved. They ensure that the loss is always a positive value or zero, which simplifies various mathematical operations and optimizations.

  2. Interpretability: A non-negative loss value is often more interpretable. A loss of zero indicates a perfect match between predictions and true values, while higher loss values indicate increasing degrees of error.

  3. Optimization: When training machine learning models, optimization algorithms like gradient descent are commonly used to minimize the loss function. These algorithms work more effectively with non-negative loss functions because they rely on the gradient (derivative) of the loss, and non-negativity ensures a well-defined direction for improvement.

Common samples of non-negative loss functions include Mean Squared Error (MSE) for regression tasks and various forms of cross-entropy loss for classification tasks. In these cases, the loss is calculated as the squared difference or the negative log-likelihood between predicted and true values, respectively, and they are always non-negative or zero when the predictions match the true values perfectly.

While non-negativity is common, there can be exceptions. Some specialized loss functions or custom loss functions might be designed differently based on specific problem requirements. However, in the majority of machine learning applications, non-negative loss functions are the norm.

However, there can be specialized or custom loss functions designed for specific problem requirements where negative loss values might be permissible. These would be exceptions and not the typical case in machine learning. It's important to understand the specific requirements and mathematical properties of the loss function being used in a given context.

The "loss" of a predictor in the context of machine learning refers to a measure of how well or poorly the predictor (or model) is performing on a specific task. It quantifies the error or discrepancy between the predicted values generated by the predictor and the true or actual values (ground truth) in the dataset. The goal is to define a loss function that characterizes this error, and the model's training process typically involves minimizing this loss.

Here are the key steps in defining and using a loss function:

  1. Choose a Loss Function: The choice of a specific loss function depends on the nature of the machine learning task. Different tasks, such as regression or classification, may require different types of loss functions. Common loss functions include Mean Squared Error (MSE) for regression tasks and various forms of cross-entropy loss for classification tasks.

  2. Define the Loss Function: The loss function is defined mathematically, taking into account the predicted values (often denoted as "h(x)") and the true values ("y"). For example, in regression, MSE is defined as:
              MSE = (1/n) * Σ(h(xᵢ) - yᵢ)² ------------------------------------- [3723ac]
             "n" is the number of data points.

  3.           "h(xᵢ)" is the predicted value for data point "i."
              "yᵢ" is the true value for data point "i."

    The loss function can also be given by, [1]

              loss function------------------------------------- [3723b]
              f(x) -- The true model.
              g(x|θ) -- The hypothesized model.

    For classification, cross-entropy loss might be defined differently based on the specific problem.

  4. Minimize the Loss: During the model training process, the objective is to find the model parameters (weights) that minimize the defined loss function. This is typically done using optimization algorithms like gradient descent.
  5. Evaluate Model Performance: After training, the model's performance is assessed using the loss function. The lower the loss, the better the model's predictions align with the true values. Common metrics used for evaluation include accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and others, which are often derived from the loss function.

The choice of the loss function is critical because it directly affects the model's behavior and what it optimizes during training. Different loss functions have different properties and are suited to different types of machine learning tasks. The loss function guides the model to learn the relationships and patterns in the data that are relevant to the task at hand.

When you have multiple training samples (also known as a dataset with multiple data points), the equations for the hypothesis and the cost function change to accommodate the entire dataset. This is often referred to as "batch" gradient descent, where you update the model parameters using the average of the gradients computed across all training samples.

Hypothesis (for multiple training samples):

The hypothesis for linear regression with multiple training samples is represented as a matrix multiplication. Let be the number of training samples, be the number of features, be the feature matrix, and be the target values. The hypothesis can be expressed as:

          Workflow of supervised learning ------------------------------ [3723c]


  • is an matrix, where each row represents a training sample with features, and the first column is filled with ones (for the bias term).
  • is a column vector, representing the model parameters, including the bias term.

Cost Function (for multiple training samples):

The cost function in linear regression is typically represented using the mean squared error (MSE) for multiple training samples. The cost function is defined as:

          Workflow of supervised learning ------------------------------ [3723d]


  • is the number of training samples.
  • ) is the hypothesis's prediction for the -th training sample.
  • (i) is the actual target value for the -th training sample.

The expected risk under the distribution D can be given by,

          Workflow of supervised learning -------------------------- [3723e]


          (x, y) are drawn from that distribution.

          1{h(x)≠y} is an indicator function that equals 1 when the prediction h(x) is not equal to the true label y, and 0 otherwise.

The expected value of this expression gives you the probability of making a prediction error under the distribution D. It's a way to quantify the risk or error of your hypothesis h on unseen data, which relates to the concept of generalization.

Loss functions play a crucial role in machine learning as they quantify the difference between predicted values and actual target values. They are used to train models by guiding the optimization process. Here are some common applications of loss functions in machine learning:

  1. Regression Problems:

    • Mean Squared Error (MSE): Used to measure the average squared difference between predicted and actual values.
    • Mean Absolute Error (MAE): Measures the average absolute difference between predicted and actual values.
    • Huber Loss: A hybrid loss function that combines MSE and MAE to provide robustness to outliers.
  2. Classification Problems:
    • Binary Cross-Entropy Loss: Commonly used for binary classification problems.
    • Categorical Cross-Entropy Loss: Used for multiclass classification problems, often with softmax activation for the output layer.
    • Sparse Categorical Cross-Entropy Loss: Similar to categorical cross-entropy but used when target labels are in integer form.
    • Hinge Loss: Used in support vector machines (SVM) and binary classification problems with margin-based learning.
    • Focal Loss: Designed to address class imbalance in classification tasks.
  3. Object Detection:
    • Bounding Box Regression Loss: Used to refine the predicted bounding box coordinates in object detection tasks. Common choices include smooth L1 loss.
  4. Semantic Segmentation:
    • Dice Loss: Measures the overlap between predicted and true segmentation masks.
    • Jaccard/IoU Loss: Computes the Intersection over Union between predicted and true segmentation masks.
  5. Generative Models:
    • Generator Loss: Measures the difference between the generated data distribution and the target data distribution. Common loss functions include Wasserstein loss and adversarial loss (used in GANs).
    • Autoencoder Loss: Typically uses mean squared error to measure the reconstruction error of autoencoders.
  6. Reinforcement Learning:
    • Policy Gradient Loss: Used to update the policy in reinforcement learning, often with variations like REINFORCE or PPO.
    • Value Function Loss: Measures the error in value predictions, used in value-based reinforcement learning methods like Q-learning or DDPG.
  7. Ranking and Recommendation Systems:
    • Ranking Losses (e.g., Pairwise, Listwise): Used to optimize the ranking order of items in recommendation systems.
  8. Anomaly Detection:
    • Anomaly Score Loss: Measures the deviation of data points from the normal distribution in anomaly detection tasks.
  9. Neural Style Transfer:
    • Content Loss and Style Loss: Used to optimize the content and style of images separately in neural style transfer models.
  10. Time Series Forecasting:
    • Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE): Measures the accuracy of time series forecasts.
  11. Sequence-to-Sequence Tasks:
    • Sequence-to-Sequence Loss: Used in tasks like machine translation, summarization, and text generation.
  12. Custom Loss Functions:
    • Depending on the specific problem, researchers may design custom loss functions to optimize model performance.

The choice of loss function depends on the nature of the problem, the type of data, and the desired characteristics of the model's predictions. Selecting an appropriate loss function is a critical step in designing machine learning models.         

Minimizing the loss function in machine learning can vary in difficulty depending on several factors:

  1. Complexity of the Model: More complex models with a larger number of parameters can make the optimization problem more challenging. Deep neural networks, for example, often have many local minima in their loss landscapes, which can make convergence to a global minimum difficult.

  2. Data Quality and Quantity: The quality and quantity of your training data play a significant role. If you have a small, noisy dataset, it can be harder to find a good model fit. Conversely, with a large, clean dataset, optimization may converge more easily.

  3. Choice of Algorithm: The optimization algorithm you use can greatly affect the ease of minimizing the loss. Gradient-based methods like stochastic gradient descent (SGD) are widely used and effective, but their convergence can be sensitive to hyperparameters and initialization. More advanced optimizers like Adam or RMSprop can sometimes converge faster.

  4. Hyperparameters: The choice of hyperparameters, such as learning rate, batch size, and regularization strength, can impact optimization. Tuning these hyperparameters can be a time-consuming process and greatly influence convergence.

  5. Initial Conditions: The initial values of the model parameters can affect optimization. A good initialization strategy can help the model converge faster and find a better minimum.

  6. Non-Convexity: Many machine learning loss functions are non-convex, meaning they have multiple local minima. Finding the global minimum in such cases can be difficult, and the result may depend on the initialization and optimization algorithm.

  7. Regularization: Regularization techniques like L1 or L2 regularization can add extra terms to the loss function, making it more complex to minimize. However, they can also help prevent overfitting and improve generalization.

  8. Loss Function Choice: The choice of loss function itself can affect optimization. Some loss functions may have more desirable properties for specific tasks, while others may be harder to optimize.

  9. Data Imbalance and Class Skew: In classification problems, if you have imbalanced classes, the loss landscape can be skewed, making it harder to find a good minimum for the minority class.

  10. Early Stopping: Deciding when to stop training to avoid overfitting can be a challenge. Stopping too early can result in an underfit model, while stopping too late can lead to overfitting.

In some cases, an SVM outperforms logistic regression, but we really want to deploy logistic regression for our application (page3814). The objective function of a linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) in machine learning can be given by,

          objective function -------------------------------------- [3723f]


  • represents the weight associated with each training example.
  • is the hypothesis function, which is the output for input (i) using parameters .
  • (i) is the true label of the training example (i).
  • is an indicator function that equals 1 if the predicted output () matches the true label ((i)), and 0 otherwise.
  • : This is the objective function that the algorithms aim to maximize. The objective is to find the hyperplane that maximally separates the data points of different classes.
  • This sum part of the equation is a summation over all training examples ().

The objective is to find the values of the parameters that maximize this sum, which effectively maximizes the margin between different classes in the feature space. Note that we cannot directly maximize a(θ) directly because a(θ) is not differentiable.


Text classification based on the values in ColumnA to predict the values for ColumnB. To achieve this, a text classification model is used below. In this sample, a simple Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier from the sklearn library is applied to classify the new string in ColumnA and predict the corresponding value for ColumnB. This uses the trained model to predict values for a new string from the CSV file. Note that for more complex scenarios, more advanced text classification techniques and more training data are needed. Code:
         Naive Bayes classifier
          Naive Bayes classifier
          Naive Bayes classifier

The code above belongs to the Multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm. In this code, there is no explicit calculation or representation of the "loss" of a predictor. The script focuses on training a Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier and using it to make predictions for a new input string. The concept of a "loss" is typically associated with supervised learning tasks, where you have labeled data and a specific loss function is used to measure the error between predicted values and true values during the training process.

The code above is focused on using the trained Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier (clf) to make a prediction (predicted_value) for the input string MyNewString. The script does not calculate or display a loss value because the concept of loss is not explicitly used in this particular script.

Loss values are typically calculated during the training phase when a model's parameters are adjusted to minimize the discrepancy between predicted and true values. The calculation of loss is an integral part of model training, but it's not evident in this code snippet.

The script below has added a calculation of the loss for a predictor to the script. However, to calculate the loss, you would need a labeled dataset with both input features (X_train_vec) and true labels (y_train) for training, and this script does not currently have access to that data. Below is a modified version of the script that includes the calculation of the loss for a predictor using the training data: (Code)

          Naive Bayes classifier
         Naive Bayes classifier
          Naive Bayes classifier

In this modified script, we use the log_loss function from scikit-learn to calculate the loss, assuming you have the true labels (y_train) available for the training data. Please ensure that you have the appropriate loss function for your specific problem and dataset.


Table 3723b. Application samples of loss function.

Uniform Convergence  page3973
Well-specified case of "asymptotic approach" page3967








[1] Dirk P. Kroese, Zdravko I. Botev, Thomas Taimre, Radislav Vaisman, Data Science and Machine Learning: Mathematical and Statistical Methods, 2022.
[2] Fransois Chollet, Deep Learning with Python, 2018.





