Electron microscopy
Experiences of Developing Machine Learning Algorithms
- Python Automation and Machine Learning for ICs -
- An Online Book -
Python Automation and Machine Learning for ICs                                                           http://www.globalsino.com/ICs/        

Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix


In the process of developing learning algorithms, anticipating potential issues is challenging. One recommended approach is to initiate application development by implementing a swift, straightforward, preliminary, quick, simple and dirty learning algorithm—such as logistic regression. Subsequently, conduct a bias-variance analysis to discern any shortcomings in the model and utilize these insights to inform the next steps. This may involve transitioning to a more intricate algorithm or considering the addition of more data, thereby guiding further refinement of the model, and then use that to decide what to do next.

The process described above involves an iterative and incremental approach to model development, often referred to as the "iterative development cycle" or "iterative modeling":

  1. Start Simple: Begin with a simple and quick-to-implement algorithm, such as logistic regression. This allows you to establish a baseline model and understand the basic patterns in your data.

  2. Run the Algorithm: Implement the chosen algorithm and run it on your dataset.

  3. Bias-Variance Analysis: After running the algorithm, perform a bias-variance analysis. This involves understanding the trade-off between bias and variance in your model. High bias can indicate that the model is too simple and underfitting the data, while high variance can suggest overfitting.

  4. Identify Issues: Analyze the results of your bias-variance analysis to identify potential issues with your model. This could include underfitting, overfitting, or other problems related to the choice of algorithm, data, or model complexity.

  5. Decision Making: Based on the insights gained from the analysis, make informed decisions on how to improve your model. This may involve increasing model complexity, adding more features, collecting more data, or trying a different algorithm.

  6. Iterative Process: Repeat the process iteratively. For example, if your initial model was too simple, you might decide to try a more complex algorithm. If your model suffered from overfitting, you might collect more data or use regularization techniques.

This iterative approach allows you to incrementally improve your model, addressing issues as they arise. It also helps in avoiding unnecessary complexity at the outset, as you can gradually introduce more complexity only when needed.

One way to gain good ML experiences is to work in a good AI/ML group so that you will involve in multiple (e.g. 10) projects. Involvement in multiple projects exposes individuals to a variety of real-world problems and applications of machine learning. Each project may involve different datasets, algorithms, and problem domains, providing a diverse set of experiences.












