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scipy.optimize.linprog Function
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Python Automation and Machine Learning for ICs                                                           http://www.globalsino.com/ICs/        

Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix


An example of applications of linear programming algorithms is a financial portfolio optimization problem. Suppose we have a budget of $1,000,000 to invest in three different assets: stocks (x1), bonds (x2), and real estate (x3). The expected returns per unit of investment are given as 8%, 5%, and 4%, respectively. We want to maximize the total expected return while ensuring that no more than 40% of the portfolio is invested in stocks and the risk (measured by standard deviation) does not exceed a certain threshold. This linear programming problem can be solved using LP algorithms to find the optimal allocation of the budget across the different assets, considering the expected returns, risk constraints, and individual asset constraints. The solution will provide the proportion of the budget to be invested in each asset to achieve the maximum expected return. 

In this problem, the variables are x1, x2, and x3, which represent the proportion of the total investment allocated to different financial assets or securities. Our objective function is to maximize c1x1 + c2x2 + c3x3. Here, c1 , c2, and care the expected returns per unit of investment for each asset. The budget constraint is that the sum of the investments should not exceed the total budget x1 + x2 + x3 ≤ B. The risk constraint is that the overall risk (variance or standard deviation) of the portfolio should not exceed a certain limit. The individual asset constraints is that the minimum and maximum allocations for each asset is li ≤ xi ≤ ui. This code  with the scipy.optimize.linprog function can be used to address the problem here.

The scipy.optimize.linprog function in the SciPy library is used for linear programming optimization. The linear programming is a mathematical technique for finding the optimal values of decision variables that satisfy a set of linear equality and inequality constraints while minimizing or maximizing a linear objective function. The main parameters of the linprog function (refer to page3594) are:

scipy.optimize.linprog(c, A_ub=None, b_ub=None, bounds=None, method='simplex', ...)  


"c" is the coefficients of the linear objective function to be minimized (or maximized). These coefficients represent the costs or benefits associated with decision variables. 

"A_ub" is the coefficient matrix for the inequality constraints (left-hand side of the corresponding inequality at page3594).  If there are no inequality constraints, we can set it to None. Ensure that the inequality signs are correctly set in the constraints.

"b_ub" is the right-hand side of the inequality constraints. If there are no inequality constraints, we can set it to None. Ensure that the inequality signs are correctly set in the constraints.

"bounds" is a list of bounds for each decision variable. Each element is a tuple representing the lower and upper bounds for a variable. If we don't have bounds, we can set it to None.

"method" specifies the optimization algorithm to be used. The default is 'simplex,' but other options include 'revised simplex' and 'interior-point.'  If we are fine with the default, we don't need to provide this parameter.

  1. 'simplex' (default): The Simplex algorithm is a widely used method for linear programming. It iteratively moves from one feasible solution to another, improving the objective function at each step. 

  2. 'revised simplex': This is an enhanced version of the Simplex algorithm that can be more efficient in certain cases. It is designed to handle numerical stability better. 

  3. 'interior-point': Interior Point methods are a class of algorithms that operate by finding an optimal solution in the interior of the feasible region. These methods can be more efficient for large-scale linear programming problems. 

When choosing a method, consider the characteristics of the specific linear programming problem. Simplex is often a good default choice, but interior-point methods might be more suitable for large-scale problems. The performance can depend on factors like the size of the problem, sparsity of the constraint matrix, and numerical properties. To specify a method, we include the method parameter in the linprog function, for example:

result = linprog(c, A_ub=A, b_ub=b, bounds=bounds, method='interior-point')  

The linprog function returns an object containing the results of the optimization, including the optimal values of the decision variables, the optimal value of the objective function, and other relevant information. "linprog" is used to find the optimal allocation of funds across different assets to maximize the expected return while satisfying budget and allocation constraints. By allowing these parameters to be None, the function accommodates a wide range of linear programming problems. We only need to provide the information relevant to our specific problem. If certain aspects of the problem are not applicable (e.g., no inequality constraints), we can leave those parameters as None to use the default behavior.

The parameters in the scipy.optimize.linprog function are optional, and we can choose to provide values or use the default settings by setting them to None. This flexibility allows us to customize the function based on our specific optimization problem. 

In the financial portfolio optimization problem, the cost function is the objective function that we aim to either minimize or maximize. In this case, it is the expected return of the portfolio. However, when using the linprog function from the scipy.optimize module, it is important to note that it minimizes the objective function. Therefore, to maximize the expected return, we need to negate the coefficients of the objective function:

# Objective coefficients (expected returns) 

c = [-0.08, -0.05, -0.04] # Negative because linprog minimizes the objective function  

Here, c represents the coefficients of the objective function, where each coefficient corresponds to the expected return of a specific asset.  

When using the scipy.optimize.linprog function for linear programming, there are several additional key points to consider: 

  1. Sensitivity Analysis: After obtaining the optimal solution, consider performing sensitivity analysis to understand how changes in coefficients or constraints impact the solution. This can provide insights into the stability of the solution. 

  2. Scaling: It's often beneficial to scale the coefficients of the objective function and the constraint matrix to improve the numerical stability of the optimization algorithm. 

  3. Termination Criteria: Be aware of the default termination criteria for the optimization algorithm. If needed, we can adjust parameters related to convergence criteria. 

  4. Handling Infeasible or Unbounded Problems: Check the output of the optimization to see if the problem is feasible and bounded. If not, we may need to revisit our formulation.  

The scipy.optimize.linprog function is specifically designed for linear programming problems, where the goal is to optimize a linear objective function subject to linear equality and inequality constraints. While constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) also involve satisfying constraints, they are more general and can include non-linear constraints. If we have a linear programming problem with linear constraints, scipy.optimize.linprog is a suitable choice. However, for more general constraint satisfaction problems, we might need to explore other optimization approaches or constraint satisfaction problem solvers that can handle a wider range of constraints and variable types:

  1. Linear Programming (scipy.optimize.linprog): 

    Objective Function: Linear (i.e., a linear combination of decision variables). 

    Constraints: Linear equality and inequality constraints. 

    Variables: Continuous variables. 

  2. Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs): 

    Objective Function: CSPs may not have an explicit objective function to minimize or maximize. The focus is on satisfying constraints. 

    Constraints: More general, including non-linear constraints. 

    Variables: Can involve discrete and continuous variables. 













