Electron microscopy
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
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Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix


Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is an approach to analyzing and visualizing data sets to summarize their main characteristics, often with the help of statistical graphics and summary statistics. The primary goal of EDA is to gain insights into the data, understand its underlying structure, and identify patterns, relationships, and anomalies. 

Some key aspects of exploratory data analysis include: 

  1. Summary Statistics: 

    Calculating and examining basic statistical measures such as mean, median, mode, range, variance, and standard deviation to understand the central tendency and variability of the data. 

  2. Data Visualization: 

    Creating visual representations of the data using graphs, charts, and plots. Common visualization techniques include histograms, box plots, scatter plots, and bar charts. Visualizations help in understanding patterns, trends, and potential outliers in the data. 

  3. Anomaly detection.

  4. Statistical analysis and clustering. 

  5. Data Cleaning: 

    Identifying and handling missing values, outliers, and inconsistencies in the data. Cleaning the data is crucial to ensure that subsequent analyses are based on accurate and reliable information. 

  6. Data Transformation: 

    Applying transformations such as scaling, normalization, or encoding to make the data suitable for analysis and modeling. This may involve converting categorical variables into numerical formats or scaling numerical features. 

  7. Pattern Recognition: 

    Exploring patterns and trends in the data that may provide valuable insights. This can involve identifying clusters, correlations, or any other significant relationships between variables. 

  8. Hypothesis Generation: 

    Formulating initial hypotheses about the relationships within the data, which can later be tested using more advanced statistical methods. 

EDA is often one of the initial steps in the data analysis process, preceding more formal statistical modeling and hypothesis testing. It helps data analysts and scientists understand the structure of the data, make informed decisions about data preprocessing, and guide subsequent analyses. Overall, EDA is a crucial step in the data analysis pipeline to gain a deeper understanding of the data before applying more complex modeling techniques. 

The objectives of EDA are:

  1. Check for missing data and other mistakes: 

    This is a fundamental step in EDA. Ensuring the completeness and accuracy of the data is crucial for any analysis. Missing data or errors can significantly impact the results of subsequent analyses. 

  2. Gain maximum insight into the data set and its underlying structure: 

    Exploratory data analysis aims to understand the patterns, trends, and characteristics within the dataset. This involves using various statistical and visual exploration techniques to uncover key insights and identify potential relationships between variables. It helps in forming hypotheses and guiding further analysis. 

  3. Uncover a parsimonious model, one which explains the data with a minimum number of predictor variables: 

    Parsimony in modeling refers to the idea of simplicity. EDA seeks to identify the most essential variables or features that contribute significantly to explaining the variation in the data. This objective aligns with the concept of Occam's Razor, which suggests that simpler models are often preferred if they can adequately explain the observed phenomena. 

Univariate and bivariate analyses are two fundamental approaches in EDA: 

  1. Univariate Analysis: 

    Univariate analysis focuses on analyzing a single variable at a time. It helps in understanding the distribution, central tendency, and spread of individual variables. 


    • Descriptive Statistics: Measures such as mean, median, mode, and standard deviation are calculated to summarize the central tendency and dispersion of the data. 

    • Histograms: Visual representation of the frequency distribution of a single variable. 

    • Box Plots: Displaying the distribution, central tendency, and outliers of a variable. Kernel Density Plots: Estimating the probability density function of a variable. 

  2. Bivariate Analysis:

    Bivariate analysis explores the relationship between two variables simultaneously. It helps in understanding how one variable behaves concerning another. 


    • Scatter Plots: Visualizing the relationship between two continuous variables. 

    • Correlation Analysis: Quantifying the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two continuous variables. 

    • Categorical Bivariate Analysis: Analyzing relationships between two categorical variables using methods like cross-tabulations and chi-square tests. 

    • ANOVA (Analysis of Variance): Assessing the variation between group means for more than two groups.












