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BigQuery ML
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Python Automation and Machine Learning for ICs                                                           http://www.globalsino.com/ICs/        

Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix


BigQuery ML is a machine learning (ML) service provided by Google Cloud's BigQuery, a fully-managed and serverless data warehouse. BigQuery ML enables users to build and deploy machine learning models directly inside BigQuery, using SQL queries without the need for specialized machine learning expertise. 

BigQuery ML enables users to build and deploy machine learning models directly in Google BigQuery, using standard SQL queries. This is particularly advantageous for data analysts, who are typically skilled in SQL but might not have expertise in more advanced machine learning techniques. With BigQuery ML, analysts can create models to perform tasks like regression, classification, and clustering directly within the database, streamlining the process from data querying to model deployment. This approach not only saves time but also makes machine learning more accessible to those primarily trained in data analysis rather than machine learning.

Some key features of BigQuery ML are: 

  1. Integration with SQL: 

    BigQuery ML allows users to create and execute machine learning models using SQL statements, making it accessible to data analysts and SQL developers who may not have a background in traditional programming languages used in machine learning. 

  2. Variety of ML Models: 

    It supports a variety of machine learning models, such as linear regression, logistic regression, k-means clustering, time-series models, and more. Users can choose the model that best fits their specific use case. 

  3. AutoML Capabilities: 

    BigQuery ML provides AutoML capabilities for certain models, where the system can automatically handle tasks such as feature engineering and hyperparameter tuning, simplifying the machine learning process for users. 

  4. Scalability: 

    Being part of Google Cloud's BigQuery, BigQuery ML inherits the scalability and performance benefits of the underlying infrastructure. It can handle large datasets and complex machine learning tasks efficiently. 

  5. Real-time Predictions: 

    Once a model is trained, it can be used to make real-time predictions directly within BigQuery, allowing for seamless integration with analytics workflows. 

  6. Managed Service: 

    Since BigQuery ML is a managed service, users do not need to worry about infrastructure provisioning, scaling, or maintenance. Google Cloud takes care of these aspects, allowing users to focus on their data analysis and machine learning tasks. 

When creating a Recommendation System with BigQuery ML, we typically follow these key steps below: 

  1. Data Preparation: 

    • Dataset Preparation: Organize our data into a suitable format for training a recommendation model. This usually involves having a user-item interaction table where each row represents a user-item pair and includes relevant information like user ID, item ID, and any additional features or labels. 

    • Data Exploration: Analyze your dataset to understand its characteristics, identify any missing values, outliers, or patterns that may impact model performance. 

    • Feature Engineering: Extract relevant features from your dataset that can be used as input for the recommendation model. These features can include user demographics, item characteristics, and any other relevant information. 

  2. Model Training with BigQuery ML: 

    • Choose the Algorithm: BigQuery ML supports matrix factorization algorithms like Matrix Factorization (MF) and Alternating Least Squares (ALS) for recommendation tasks. 

    • Define and Train the Model: Use SQL statements within BigQuery to define and train your recommendation model. For example, you might use the CREATE MODEL statement with the appropriate options, such as the algorithm type, learning rate, and regularization parameters. 

    • Evaluate Model Performance: After training the model, assess its performance using evaluation metrics such as Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), or other relevant metrics for recommendation systems.

  3. Model Deployment and Prediction: 

    • Deploy the Model: Once satisfied with the model's performance, deploy it for making real-time predictions. Use the CREATE MODEL statement with the OPTIONS(MODEL_TYPE='...', ...) clause to specify deployment options. 

    • Make Predictions: Utilize SQL statements to make predictions for specific users or items. For example, you might use the ML.PREDICT function to get recommendations for a particular user or item

Below is an example of how you might set up a typical BigQuery ML (BQML) script to create a logistic regression model. This script includes several options to configure the model more thoroughly, including parameters for handling imbalanced classes and setting up a data split for training and validation:

CREATE OR REPLACE MODEL `your_dataset.logistic_model`
model_type='logistic_reg', -- Specifies that we are training a logistic regression model
auto_class_weights=TRUE, -- Automatically adjust the class weights inversely proportional to class frequencies
input_label_cols=['target_column'], -- Specifies the column name in your dataset that contains the labels
data_split_method='auto_split', -- Use BigQuery ML's automatic data splitting method
data_split_eval_fraction=0.2, -- 20% of the data is used for evaluation (validation)
ls_init_learn_rate=0.01, -- Set the initial learning rate
max_iterations=50, -- Maximum number of iterations for the training process
early_stop=True, -- Enables early stopping to prevent overfitting
min_rel_progress=0.01, -- Minimum relative progress required to continue training
l1_reg=0.1, -- L1 regularization factor
l2_reg=0.2 -- L2 regularization factor
) AS
target_column, -- This should be the name of your label column

The code explanation: is:

  • Model Type: model_type='logistic_reg' specifies that the model is a logistic regression, commonly used for binary classification tasks.
  • Auto Class Weights: auto_class_weights=TRUE helps in dealing with class imbalance by automatically adjusting class weights.
  • Input Label Columns: input_label_cols=['target_column'] specifies which column in your data is the label for the model.
  • Data Splitting: data_split_method and data_split_eval_fraction define how your data is split into training and validation sets.
  • Learning Rate: ls_init_learn_rate=0.01 sets the initial learning rate for training.
  • Max Iterations: max_iterations=50 limits the number of iterations to prevent excessive computation time.
  • Early Stop: early_stop=True to enable the model to stop training when the improvement in model performance is minimal.
  • Regularization: l1_reg and l2_reg are used to add regularization terms which can help in preventing overfitting by penalizing large coefficients.

Example results are shown in Figure 3535a. The dependence of loss on the initial learning rate (ls_init_learn_rate) in machine learning models, including logistic regression in BigQuery ML, is a critical aspect of the model's optimization process. Here’s how the initial learning rate generally affects the loss during training:
  • Too High Learning Rate (Figure 3535a (c) and (d)):
    • If the ls_init_learn_rate is set too high, the model may fail to converge to a minimum loss. The learning steps could be too large, causing the optimizer to overshoot the optimal points, leading to erratic loss behavior where the loss may not decrease in a steady manner or might even increase.
    • In extreme cases, a very high learning rate, e.g. Figure 3535a (d), can cause the training process to diverge completely, resulting in NaN (not a number) values for loss.
  • Optimal Learning Rate (Figure 3535a (b)):
    • An optimal learning rate allows the model to converge efficiently to a minimum. This rate is neither too high to cause overshooting nor too low to slow down the convergence excessively. The loss decreases steadily and stabilizes as the model approaches an optimal set of parameters.
    • Finding this optimal rate often requires experimentation and may involve techniques like learning rate schedules, where the rate decreases over time, or adaptive learning rates used by optimizers like Adam.
  • Too Low Learning Rate (Figure 3535a (a)):
    • If the learning rate is set too low, the training process will converge very slowly. While this might lead to a very fine convergence at a potentially better minimum, it increases the computational cost and time significantly.
    • A very low learning rate can also risk getting the optimization stuck in local minima or saddle points, particularly in complex models with many parameters.
  • Experimentation and Adjustment:
    • The best practice typically involves experimenting with different values of ls_init_learn_rate. A common approach is to start with a value that allows the model to learn (not too low to be slow or too high to diverge) and adjust based on the observed training performance.
    • Additionally, employing learning rate schedules where the learning rate decreases after certain epochs or upon stagnation in loss improvement can help in achieving better convergence.
Figure 3535a. Result examples: (a) ls_init_learn_rate=0.001, (b) ls_init_learn_rate=0.1, (c) ls_init_learn_rate=1.0, and (d) ls_init_learn_rate=10.0.












