Electron microscopy
Using Proxy Labels, Building a Labeling System, and Utilizing a Labeling Service
when Historical Labeled Data is Unavailable for ML Projects
- Python Automation and Machine Learning for ICs -
- An Online Book: Python Automation and Machine Learning for ICs by Yougui Liao -
Python Automation and Machine Learning for ICs                                                           http://www.globalsino.com/ICs/        

Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix


Using proxy labels, building a labeling system, and utilizing a labeling service are valid approaches when historical labeled data is unavailable for machine learning projects:

  • Proxy Labels:
    • Proxy labels are surrogate labels derived from other data that might not be exactly what you’re interested in but are closely related. For example, if you lack direct user feedback on a product (like ratings), you might use the number of times a product is reordered or the duration a user spends on a product page as a proxy for user satisfaction.
    • Using proxy labels allows you to start training machine learning models even in the absence of directly relevant labels. It can provide preliminary insights and model performance indicators, although they typically require careful validation and adjustment because they might not perfectly represent the target variable.
  • Building a Labeling System:
    • Developing an internal system for labeling data involves setting up tools and processes that allow human annotators (either experts or crowd workers) to efficiently label large datasets. This could involve creating annotation guidelines, training annotators, and setting up quality control mechanisms.
    • This approach provides control over the labeling process and can be tailored to specific needs and nuances of the data. It can also evolve over time to improve label accuracy and consistency.
  • Using a Labeling Service:
    • Labeling services (like Amazon Mechanical Turk, Figure Eight, or professional data annotation firms) offer access to large pools of annotators who can label data at scale. This is particularly useful if the dataset is very large or requires rapid turnaround.
    • Outsourcing to labeling services can save time and resources compared to building and managing an in-house team. However, it may also require careful management to ensure the quality of the labels, especially when the task requires specific expertise or understanding of subtle context.

The choice among these strategies depends on several factors, including the availability of resources, the required scale of labeled data, the criticality of label accuracy, and the specific requirements of the machine learning problem at hand. Combining these strategies might be necessary to achieve the best results, such as starting with proxy labels to quickly develop initial models while concurrently building a robust labeling system for more accurate and reliable data annotation.

One example is that in enhancing defect detection in silicon wafer images within semiconductor manufacturing through machine learning, a crucial step involves obtaining a high-quality labeled dataset. For specialized applications such as this, where precision in defect identification is critical, the most effective approach is to collaborate with a third-party labeling company. These companies specialize in providing accurately classified and annotated data, which is essential for training robust machine learning models. Leveraging such expert services ensures that the dataset is of the highest standard, thereby facilitating the development of highly effective defect detection systems in the semiconductor industry.












