Electron microscopy
Sentence, Text, Word and Document Embeddings
- Python for Integrated Circuits -
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Python for Integrated Circuits                                                                                   http://www.globalsino.com/ICs/        

Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix


In order to analyze text and execute algorithms, it is essential to transform the text into a vectorized format. Word embeddings describe the technique of representing words as vectors in a continuous vector space, where the positioning of vectors captures semantic relationships between words based on their contextual usage. The goal of word embeddings is to map words from a discrete and high-dimensional space (vocabulary) to a continuous and lower-dimensional vector space. The resulting word vectors are expected to encode semantic information, and similar words are represented by vectors that are close to each other in the space. The concept of embedding essentially involves converting the given textual input into a collection of numerical vectors, which can then be seamlessly integrated into algorithmic processes. Various methodologies for achieving this will be elaborated upon in forthcoming articles. To do this, we emphasize the need to represent the text as a vector:

  1. Analyzing text and running algorithms: The primary focus here is on processing and understanding textual data using algorithms. This is a common task in natural language processing (NLP) and text mining.

  2. Representing text as a vector: In order to apply mathematical and computational methods on textual data, it needs to be converted into a numerical format. Representing text as a vector is a popular way to achieve this. A vector is a mathematical object that contains a list of numbers, and it can be used to represent various features or attributes of the text.

  3. The notion of embedding: In NLP, an "embedding" is a specific way of converting text into vectors. Embeddings are designed to capture the semantic meaning of words or phrases, allowing algorithms to understand the context and relationships between different words. Embedding techniques are crucial for many NLP tasks like sentiment analysis, machine translation, and text classification.

  4. Converting input text into numerical vectors: The process of creating embeddings involves transforming the input text into a set of numerical vectors. Each word or phrase in the text is represented as a vector, which consists of numerical values that carry information about its meaning or context.

  5. Using vectors in algorithms: Once the text has been transformed into numerical vectors (embeddings), these vectors can be utilized as inputs for various algorithms and machine learning models. These algorithms can then process the numerical representations to perform tasks such as sentiment analysis, text generation, or clustering.

  6. Multiple approaches for embeddings: There are several methods or approaches to creating embeddings for text.

Word embedding techniques, such as Word2Vec, GloVe, and FastText, aim to capture the meanings of words and their relationships by considering the distributional patterns in large corpora of text.  SentenceTransformers, as shown in 2382, is a framework for state-of-the-art sentence, text and image embeddings in Python.


Figure 2382. SentenceTransformers.












