Python Automation and Machine Learning for EM and ICs

An Online Book, Second Edition by Dr. Yougui Liao (2024)

Python Automation and Machine Learning for EM and ICs - An Online Book

Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix

Principle and Troubleshooting: Automation of Mouse Movements and Clicks (comparison among pyautogui, pygetwindow, pydirectinput, autoit, Quartz, platform, ctypes, uiautomation and Sikuli)

If automation with libraries, e.g. PyAutoGUI, is not working with mouse movement and clicks on specific applications, the following steps can be considered for troubleshooting:
  i) Verify Application Compatibility: Ensure that the application you're trying to interact with is compatible with PyAutoGUI. PyAutoGUI may not work with certain types of applications, lik those running in a virtualized environment and those with non-standard GUI frameworks, such as the application interfaces or scenarios below:
    i.A) Full-Screen Games: PyAutoGUI relies on the graphical user interface (GUI) elements of an application, and full-screen games often override or bypass the standard GUI interactions, making PyAutoGUI ineffective. Graphical User Interface (GUI) elements of an application are the visual components or controls that users interact with to perform tasks or access information. These elements are designed to provide a user-friendly and intuitive way to interact with the software application. GUI elements are designed to be visually appealing and facilitate user interaction by providing intuitive controls and feedback mechanisms. They enhance the user experience and make software applications more accessible and user-friendly. Some common GUI elements are below:
      i.A.a) Buttons: Buttons are interactive elements that users can click to trigger an action or perform a specific task.
      i.A.b) Textboxes and Input Fields: These elements allow users to enter text or data into the application. They can be used for various purposes, such as entering login credentials, search queries, or inputting data.
      i.A.c) Dropdown Menus: Dropdown menus display a list of options from which users can select one. When clicked or activated, a list of options is shown, and the user can choose an option from the list.
      i.A.d) Checkboxes: Checkboxes allow users to select one or more options from a set of choices. Each checkbox represents an option, and the user can toggle the checkbox to select or deselect an option.
      i.A.e) Radio Buttons: Radio buttons present a set of mutually exclusive options, and users can select only one option from the group. Unlike checkboxes, where multiple options can be selected, radio buttons limit the selection to a single choice.
      i.A.f) Sliders: Sliders provide a visual way for users to adjust a value within a specific range. Users can drag the slider handle along a track to set a value, such as volume control or brightness adjustment.
      i.A.g) Menus: Menus typically appear as a list of options displayed in a hierarchical structure. They provide a way to organize and access various commands or features of an application.
      i.A.h) Tabs: Tabs are used to organize different sections or views within an application. Each tab represents a distinct area of functionality, allowing users to switch between different contexts easily.
    i.B) Direct Hardware Access: If an application interacts directly with hardware devices, PyAutoGUI may not be able to manipulate the interface elements effectively. Here, "hardware devices" refer to physical devices connected to a computer or system, such as input devices (e.g., keyboards, mice, game controllers) or output devices (e.g., monitors, printers, speakers). These devices often have their own dedicated drivers or interfaces that allow direct communication with the computer's hardware. When an application interacts directly with hardware devices, it means that it bypasses or operates at a lower level than the typical software interfaces and frameworks. This level of interaction can involve accessing the device drivers, sending low-level commands, or reading data directly from the device. PyAutoGUI is primarily designed to interact with the graphical user interface (GUI) elements of software applications. It relies on higher-level interface components and standard GUI frameworks to automate mouse movements, clicks, and keyboard inputs. However, PyAutoGUI may not be able to effectively manipulate the interface elements of applications that interact directly with hardware devices because:
      i.B.a) Applications that communicate directly with hardware devices often bypass the standard GUI interfaces and frameworks used by PyAutoGUI. They may utilize specialized drivers or libraries to control the hardware, making it difficult for PyAutoGUI to interact with the software layer effectively.
      i.B.b) Manipulating hardware devices may require low-level operations that are outside the scope of PyAutoGUI. For example, controlling the behavior of a gamepad or accessing specific monitor features may require direct interaction with device drivers or specialized APIs.
      Determining whether an application interacts directly with hardware devices can be challenging without specific knowledge of the application's architecture and implementation details. However, here are a few general approaches you can consider to gain insights into an application's interaction with hardware devices:
      1) Documentation and Specifications: Review the official documentation, user manuals, or technical specifications provided by the application's developers. They might mention any hardware dependencies or direct hardware interactions required by the application.
      2) Research and Community Forums: Look for information or discussions about the application in relevant forums, online communities, or developer resources. Sometimes, users or developers may share insights or experiences regarding hardware interactions or limitations of the application.
      3) Developer or Vendor Support: Contact the application's developer or vendor directly and inquire about the application's interaction with hardware devices. They may provide you with specific details or clarify any questions you have about the application's hardware dependencies.
      4) Reverse Engineering or Code Analysis: If you have technical expertise, you can perform reverse engineering or code analysis on the application to gain insights into its inner workings. By examining the code, you might find references to hardware drivers, low-level APIs, or direct hardware access methods, indicating whether the application interacts with hardware devices.
      5) Monitoring System Activity: Monitor system activity while the application is running. You can use tools like system monitors, process monitors, or hardware monitoring software to observe the application's behavior. Look for any unusual or direct interactions with hardware devices that are distinct from typical software processes.
      It's important to note that the effectiveness of these approaches may vary depending on the specific application and its level of transparency regarding hardware interactions. On the other hand, understanding an application's hardware dependencies may require technical expertise or access to relevant resources.
    i.C) Low-Level Operations: If an application interacts directly uses low-level drivers, PyAutoGUI may not be able to manipulate the interface elements effectively. Some examples of low-level operations, that applications might utilize, are:
      i.C.a) Direct System Calls: Applications can make direct system calls to the operating system kernel or specific system APIs to perform tasks such as file operations, process management, or memory allocation.
      i.C.b) Assembly Language Code: Low-level programming languages like assembly language allow developers to write code that directly interacts with the hardware and system resources. Applications that use assembly language code often perform low-level operations.
      i.C.c) Memory Manipulation: Low-level operations may involve directly accessing and manipulating memory addresses or registers. This can be done to optimize performance or interact with specific hardware devices.
      i.C.d) Hardware Drivers: Applications may communicate with hardware devices by directly interacting with device drivers. This includes sending commands, retrieving data, or configuring device settings at a low level.
      i.C.e) Interrupt Handling: Applications might handle hardware interrupts directly to respond to hardware events or signals. Interrupt handling involves interacting with the system's interrupt controller and responding to specific events generated by hardware devices.
      i.C.f) I/O Port Access: Applications may directly access input/output (I/O) ports, which are used to communicate with hardware devices at a low level. This allows direct control and communication with specific hardware components.
      i.C.g) Firmware Interaction: Applications can interact with firmware, such as BIOS or UEFI, which provides low-level functionality for hardware initialization, configuration, and system startup.
      i.C.h) Kernel Module or Driver Development: Applications that involve developing kernel modules or device drivers require low-level operations to interact with the operating system's kernel and provide hardware-specific functionality.
      i.C.i) Direct Register Manipulation: Low-level operations may involve reading from or writing to specific system registers or device registers to control hardware behavior or access device-specific features.
      It's worth noting that applications utilizing low-level operations often require a deep understanding of system architecture, hardware interfaces, and programming at a lower level than typical software development. Determining whether an application uses low-level operations can be challenging without access to the application's source code or detailed documentation. However, here are a few general approaches you can consider to identify if an application utilizes low-level operations:
      1) Documentation and Specifications: Review the official documentation, user manuals, or technical specifications provided by the application's developers. They may explicitly mention the use of low-level operations or provide details about the underlying technology stack, libraries, or APIs used by the application.
      2) Code Analysis: If you have access to the application's source code, perform code analysis to identify any direct calls to low-level APIs or libraries. Look for system-level functions, device drivers, or interfaces that indicate low-level operations. Pay attention to any interactions with hardware-specific APIs, system registers, or assembly language code, as these are often indicative of low-level operations.
      3) Profiling and Debugging Tools: Utilize profiling and debugging tools to monitor the application's behavior during runtime. These tools can provide insights into the application's execution flow, system calls, and resource utilization. Look for patterns or indications of low-level operations, such as direct system calls, memory manipulation, or interactions with hardware-specific components.
      4) Reverse Engineering: If you have technical expertise and legal permission, you can employ reverse engineering techniques to analyze the application's behavior. Disassembling or decompiling the application's binaries may reveal details about low-level operations and interactions with system resources.
      5) Research and Community Forums: Research online forums, developer communities, or technical blogs related to the application. Other developers or users may have shared insights or experiences regarding the application's use of low-level operations. Engaging in discussions or asking specific questions in these communities might yield valuable information.
      It's important to note that the effectiveness of these approaches may vary depending on the application's complexity, the availability of relevant resources, and any legal or ethical considerations surrounding reverse engineering or code analysis.
    i.D) Custom Communication Protocols: Some hardware devices use proprietary communication protocols or non-standard interfaces that are not compatible with PyAutoGUI's capabilities. PyAutoGUI may not have the necessary hooks or mechanisms to directly communicate with these devices. Some Custom Communication Protocols are:
      i.D.a) Modbus: Modbus is a commonly used communication protocol in industrial automation systems. It defines a set of rules for communication between devices over serial lines or TCP/IP networks.
      i.D.b) I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit): I2C is a popular two-wire communication protocol used for connecting and communicating between integrated circuits in electronic devices. It allows multiple devices to share a common bus.
      i.D.c) SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface): SPI is a synchronous serial communication protocol commonly used for short-distance communication between microcontrollers, sensors, and other peripheral devices.
      i.D.d) CAN (Controller Area Network): CAN is a robust communication protocol widely used in automotive and industrial applications. It enables reliable communication between microcontrollers and various devices within a network.
      i.D.e) MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport): MQTT is a lightweight publish-subscribe messaging protocol commonly used in IoT (Internet of Things) applications. It facilitates communication between devices and applications in resource-constrained environments.
      i.D.f) Zigbee: Zigbee is a wireless communication protocol designed for low-power, low-data-rate applications, such as home automation, smart energy management, and healthcare monitoring.
      i.D.g) Bluetooth LE (Low Energy): Bluetooth Low Energy is a wireless communication protocol optimized for short-range, low-power consumption applications. It is commonly used in wearable devices, fitness trackers, and smart home devices.
      i.D.h) DMX (Digital Multiplex): DMX is a lighting control protocol widely used in the entertainment industry for controlling stage lighting and special effects equipment.
      i.D.i) NFC (Near Field Communication): NFC is a short-range wireless communication protocol that enables secure and contactless data exchange between devices. It is commonly used in mobile payment systems and access control applications.
      Custom protocols are often developed to meet specific requirements, standards, or industries, providing tailored communication solutions for particular applications or devices. Determining the custom communication protocols used by an application typically requires a combination of approaches, as it heavily depends on the application itself and the availability of relevant documentation or resources. Here are some steps you can take to find out what custom communication protocols an application utilizes:
        1) Read Application Documentation: Review the official documentation, user manuals, or technical guides provided by the application's developers. They may explicitly mention the communication protocols used by the application, including any custom or proprietary protocols.
        2) Research and Online Resources: Conduct online research, forums, or communities specific to the application or the industry it belongs to. Look for discussions, user experiences, or developer insights regarding the communication protocols employed by the application. Other users or developers may have shared information or encountered similar scenarios.
        3) Contact the Developer or Vendor: Reach out to the application's developer or vendor directly and inquire about the communication protocols used. They may provide specific details about the protocols or point you to relevant resources or documentation.
        4) Network Traffic Analysis: If the application communicates over a network, you can employ network traffic analysis tools to inspect the data packets exchanged between the application and other devices or servers. By examining the network traffic, you may identify patterns, headers, or structures that indicate the use of specific protocols. Wireshark is a popular network protocol analyzer that can assist in this process.
        5) Reverse Engineering or Code Analysis: If you have access to the application's binary code or if it allows extensions or plugins, you can perform reverse engineering or code analysis to examine the communication-related sections of the code. Look for references to libraries, functions, or specific data structures that hint at the use of custom communication protocols.
        6) Instrumentation and Monitoring: If the application provides instrumentation or logging capabilities, enable them to capture relevant communication data. This may include logging network requests, API calls, or data exchanges. Analyzing the logged data may provide insights into the protocols being used.
      It's important to note that the ability to identify custom communication protocols depends on the level of transparency and documentation provided by the application's developers. In some cases, custom protocols may be proprietary and intentionally not disclosed to the public. In such situations, reverse engineering or specialized knowledge might be necessary to uncover the specific protocols being used.
  ii) Confirm Application Focus: Make sure the target application has the active focus when running PyAutoGUI locally. Switch to the application window manually before executing any PyAutoGUI commands. Some applications may not respond to input unless they are the active window. To ensure that the target application has active focus when running PyAutoGUI locally, you can follow these steps:
    ii.A) Identify the Window Class or Window Title: Determine the title or class name of the target application's window. This information is essential for PyAutoGUI to interact with the correct window.
      ii.A.a) The window class is specific to each application and may vary depending on the application's developer or framework used. The following steps can be used to find the window class of an application:
        1) Use Window Spy Tool: On Windows, you can use the built-in "Window Spy" tool provided by AutoHotkey. If you have AutoHotkey installed, you can find the Window Spy tool in the system tray menu. Open the tool and hover your mouse over the target application's window. The Window Spy tool will display detailed information about the window, including the window class.
        2) Use External Tools: There are third-party tools available that can help you identify the window class of an application. These tools provide more advanced features for window inspection and identification. Some popular tools include Spy++, WinSpy++, or Window Detective. You can download and install these tools, then use them to identify the window class of the target application.
        3) Write a Custom Script: You can write a custom script to retrieve the window class of an application. Depending on the programming language you are using, there are different APIs and libraries available to obtain window information. For example, in Python, you can use libraries like pywin32 or win32gui to enumerate windows and retrieve their properties, including the window class. Reference code is at Find Window Class with Python:
          Find Window Class with Python
        And see examples of output:
          Find Window Class with Python
      ii.A.b) The window title is specific to each application and may vary depending on the application's developer or the specific instance of the application running. The window title of an application can be found by using the following steps:
        1) Use External Tools: There are various external tools available that can help you identify the window title of an application. One such tool is the Window Spy tool provided by AutoHotkey. It allows you to hover your mouse over a window and provides information about the window, including the window title.
        2) Use Operating System Features: On Windows, you can use the Alt+Tab or Taskbar to switch between open windows. When you hover over an application's icon or thumbnail, the window title is often displayed as a tooltip. This can help you identify the window title of the desired application.
        3) Write a Custom Script: You can write a custom script to retrieve the window title of an application. The specific method depends on the programming language and platform you are using. For example, in Python, you can use libraries like pywin32 or win32gui to enumerate windows and retrieve their properties, including the window title. This code can be use dto activate the target window before performing any PyAutoGUI operations, then you ensure that the application has the active focus and subsequent actions will be performed within that window. The code at Find Window Title with Python enumerates all top-level windows and prints their window titles:
          Find Window Title with Python
        Examples of output:
          Find Window Title with Python
    ii.B) Activate the Window: Use the pyautogui.getWindows() function to retrieve a list of open windows on your system. Iterate through the list to find the window with the matching title or class name.
    ii.C) Bring the Window to the Front: Once you have identified the target window, use the pyautogui.getWindow() function to get the window object. Then, use the window.activate() method to bring the window to the front and give it active focus.
    The following code activate the most front window but identification does not work correctly (code):
      Find Window Title with Python
    Identify the Window Class or Window Title, activate and bring the Window to the front with script below (AAA: code). To use the script, you need to try the following steps:
      1) Ensure that the window you're trying to interact with is currently open and visible on the screen.
      2) Double-check the window_title and window_class variables to make sure they exactly match the title and class name of the target window. Pay attention to any leading or trailing spaces or special characters.
      3) If the target window is a child or nested window, you may need to adjust the way you identify it. Consider using the child_window() method or exploring other identification options provided by pywinauto.
      4) If the window is not a standard Win32 window, it's possible that pywinauto may not be able to recognize it. In such cases, alternative approaches or libraries specific to the application or technology may be necessary.
      Find Window Title with Python
  iii) Check for Permissions: Verify that PyAutoGUI has the necessary permissions and accessibility settings to interact with the application. On some operating systems, you may need to grant PyAutoGUI administrative privileges or adjust accessibility settings.
  iv) Adjust Timing and Delays: Experiment with adding appropriate delays between PyAutoGUI actions, such as mouse movements and clicks. Some applications may require extra time to respond to input. Use the `time.sleep()` function to introduce delays and see if it improves the interaction.
  v) Use PyGetWindow and PyRect modules: Use the `pygetwindow` and `pyrect` modules from PyAutoGUI to ensure accurate identification and targeting of the application window and its components. These modules can help with correctly specifying window names, dimensions, and coordinates for interaction.
  vi) Try Different Click Techniques: PyAutoGUI offers different click techniques, such as `click()`, `doubleClick()`, and `rightClick()`. Experiment with different click techniques to see if one works better for the target application.
  vii) Check for Overlaying Windows or Dialog Boxes: Sometimes, overlaying windows, pop-ups, or dialog boxes can interfere with PyAutoGUI's interaction with the target application. Ensure that there are no unexpected windows blocking the target application's interface.
  viii) Review Error Messages: If you receive any error messages while using PyAutoGUI, carefully review them for specific details that might indicate the cause of the issue. Error messages can provide valuable insights into the problem.
  ix) Remote Desktop or Virtual Machine: When using PyAutoGUI on a remote desktop or a virtual machine, the mouse events generated by PyAutoGUI may not be properly captured by the host operating system or the virtual machine software.
  x) Captive Interfaces: Some applications, such as kiosk systems or digital signage software, may have a custom interface that restricts or locks down user interactions. PyAutoGUI may not be able to interact with these interfaces, as they are designed to prevent external input.
  xi) Non-Standard GUI Frameworks: PyAutoGUI works best with standard GUI frameworks like Windows API, macOS Cocoa, or GTK. If an application uses a non-standard or custom GUI framework, PyAutoGUI may not be compatible or may not have full support for that specific framework.
  xii) Web-based Interfaces: PyAutoGUI primarily operates at the desktop level and may not have direct access to web browser elements or web-based interfaces. In such cases, you might consider using Selenium or other browser automation tools instead.
  xiii) Laggy or Unresponsive Interfaces: If an application's interface is slow, unresponsive, or lags significantly, PyAutoGUI may encounter difficulties in accurately identifying and interacting with GUI elements.
It's important to note even though PyAutoGUI is a powerful tool, its effectiveness depends on the underlying application and system configurations. If you encounter issues with PyAutoGUI, it's worth considering alternative approaches or tools specific to the target application or scenario.