Python Automation and Machine Learning for EM and ICs

An Online Book, Second Edition by Dr. Yougui Liao (2024)

Python Automation and Machine Learning for EM and ICs - An Online Book

Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix

Different Behavior of Automation Execution (e.g. pyautogui)

Locally or Remotely Through Internet

Case Study A: You have two PCs, namely PC A and PC B. If you run Pyautogui on the application with mouse moves and clicks on PC A locally, then it does not work, and if you run Pyautogui on the same application with mouse moves and clicks on PC B locally, then it also does not work. However, if you use Pyautogui on PC B, and do mouse moves and clicks on the application on PC A remotely from Pyautogui on PC B, then the moves and clicks work, or if you use Pyautogui on PC A, and do mouse moves and clicks on the application on PC B remotely from Pyautogui on PC A, then the moves and clicks also work.
         Possible origin of the issue: The issue may be related to the specific application or the way it interacts with PyAutoGUI on both PC A and PC B. This could be due to factors such as application permissions, system configurations, or other technical considerations. To troubleshoot this scenario, you can try the following steps:
         i) Application Compatibility: Verify that the application you're attempting to interact with is compatible with PyAutoGUI. Some applications may have restrictions or security measures in place that prevent automated interactions.
         ii) Application Focus: When running PyAutoGUI locally on PC A, make sure the application window you're trying to interact with has the active focus. PyAutoGUI interacts with the active window, so if another window or process has focus, the mouse movements and clicks may not have the desired effect.
         iii) Permissions and Accessibility: PyAutoGUI requires certain permissions and accessibility settings to interact with applications. On PC A, ensure that PyAutoGUI has the necessary permissions to control and interact with the target application. This may involve adjusting accessibility settings, granting administrative privileges, or running the script as an administrator.
         iv) Check Application-Specific Settings: Review the settings within the application itself to ensure that it allows external automation or scripting. Some applications have specific options or configurations that need to be enabled for external control.
         v) Check for Application Updates: Ensure that the application on both PC A and PC B is up to date. Sometimes, compatibility issues with automation tools like PyAutoGUI can be resolved by updating the application to the latest version.
         vi) Environment Configuration: PC A might have specific environment settings or configurations that are impacting PyAutoGUI's functionality when used locally. Check for any conflicting software, conflicting libraries, or system configurations that could be interfering with PyAutoGUI's actions. By contrast, when using PyAutoGUI on PC B to remotely control the application on PC A, it bypasses the potential issues specific to PC A's environment, as the actions are being performed through a remote desktop environment or a networked connection.
         vii) Test with Other Automation Tools: Consider trying alternative automation tools or libraries to interact with the application on both PC A and PC B. This can help determine if the issue lies specifically with PyAutoGUI or if it is a broader compatibility problem.
         viii) Consult Application Support: If the issue persists, reach out to the support channels of the application you're trying to automate. They may be able to provide insights or guidance on how to interact with their application programmatically.

The reason for the difference in PyAutoGUI's interaction with the application when used internally (locally) and externally (remotely) could be related to the underlying mechanisms and protocols involved in each scenario. A few key factors that may contribute to this difference are:
         i) Input Handling: When PyAutoGUI interacts with an application locally on PC A, it directly utilizes the operating system's input handling mechanisms to simulate mouse movements and clicks. This involves sending low-level input events directly to the application.
         ii) Remote Desktop Environment: In the case of remote interaction between PC A and PC B, the remote desktop environment or remote access software acts as an intermediary. It captures the screen content and input events on PC B and transmits them to PC A over the network. This introduces an additional layer of processing and interpretation of input events.
         iii) Network Latency and Performance: When using PyAutoGUI remotely, network latency and performance can play a significant role. Delays in transmitting input events from PC B to PC A can affect the timing and synchronization of PyAutoGUI's actions, potentially leading to differences in behavior compared to local execution.
         iv) Virtual Display and Input Mapping: Remote desktop environments often utilize virtual display and input mapping techniques to relay the input events to the remote PC. This mapping process may not perfectly replicate the behavior of the original input events, leading to slight variations in how the application on PC A responds.
         v) Security and Permission Restrictions: Remote desktop environments or remote access software may have security features or permission restrictions in place that can impact the ability of PyAutoGUI to interact with applications remotely. These restrictions could limit or modify certain input functionalities. Considering these factors, it's possible that differences in input handling, remote desktop environment behavior, network latency, and security configurations contribute to the variance in PyAutoGUI's interaction between internal (local) and external (remote) usage scenarios.

Case Study B: Pyautogui remotely works on an application on the remoted PC, but the Pyautogui does work on the same application if pyautogui runs on that PC locally.

Possible origin of the issue: The behavior could be attributed to the way PyAutoGUI interacts with applications in different scenarios. A couple of factors that might explain the difference can be:
         i) Remote Desktop Environment: When you use PyAutoGUI remotely on a remote PC through a remote desktop environment, the graphical user interface (GUI) events are being sent over the network to the remote PC. This process involves capturing screen coordinates and simulating mouse movements and keystrokes. PyAutoGUI's functionality relies on the underlying framework's ability to accurately interpret and translate these events to the application running on the remote PC.
         ii) Local Execution: When PyAutoGUI runs directly on the PC locally, it interacts with the applications using the underlying system APIs and libraries without any network involvement. This can result in more reliable and direct interaction with the target application since there is no additional layer of network communication or remote desktop environment that might introduce delays or inconsistencies.

These differences in behavior can be influenced by various factors such as network latency, screen resolution, remote desktop settings, or specific application configurations. It's essential to ensure that the remote desktop environment and PyAutoGUI configurations are properly set up to provide reliable and consistent interactions with the application on the remote PC.